Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Confidentiality of Health Information Essay

1. Should corrections be date and time stamped? Yes, it is very important to keep track of when changes are made to an individual’s medical records. Any correction made to confidential medical information should be time and date stamped. In addition, the name of the person who makes the changes should be recorded with the time and date change. should there not be a note of who makes changes to the medical record. An example of the negative consequences of not date and time stamping medical records, electronic or otherwise, is that in a court of law, one’s medical records could be inadmissible due to this simple negligence. A medical malpractice case, in which the patient deserves compensation for being diagnosed incorrectly, or not diagnosed at all, could hinge on this incredibly important detail. Whether or not the patient’s medical records was date and time stamped, as well as signed by the individual working on the patient’s electronic medical record. 2. When should the patient be advised of the existence of computerized databases containing medical information about the patient? A patient should be advised of the existence of computerized database containing medical information about the patient , before the patient’s physician releases said information to the entity keeping the computer bases. All medical information must be shared with the patient before any treatments are performed, so that the patient may give their informed consent for the treatment or procedure to be administered. If patients were unaware of the existence of their medical information stored in computerized database, they obviously would not have the knowledge to access their own records, which is highly unprofessional and detrimental to the patient’s health care in the future. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), patients have the right to know where their records are being stored and who has access to them for safety and privacy of the individual. 3. When should the patient be notified of purging of archaic or inaccurate information? States â€Å" procedures for purging the computerized data base of archaic or inaccurate data should be established and the patient and physician should be notified before and after the data has been purged.† It is essential that the patient and physician always know what is going on with their confidential medical records. Care must be taken to make sure that the medical record are never accidently mixed with other computer based record. With technology growing faster than most of us can keep up, most of today information is on computer. Either being stored on a disk, on websites, or even online storage . The American Medical Association (AMA), has issued opinion 5.07 confidentiality for computers. 4. When should the computerized medical database be online to the computer terminal? The computerized medical database is online to the computer terminal only when authorized computer programs requiring the medical data are in use. According to the (AMA ) policy, External individuals or organizations should not have online access to these computerized database. containing identifiable data from medical records patient. Access should be controlled through security measures. Some examples of these are encryption of the file, password to gain access to the file, or other user identification. In addition, leaving a terminal online to the database when it is not necessary can make it easier for hackers to get into the system. 5. When the computer service bureau destroys or erases records, should the erasure be verified by the bureau to the physician? I believe that when the computer services bureau destroys or erases the record, the physician should be notified in writing that it has taken place. Before records can be destroyed or erased the bureau has to establish that the physician has another copy, of some form, in his possession. The patient and the physician have the right to know any little alteration on any record. This will help in knowing what information has been erased and what significance it has as far as patient’s medical process is concerned. 6. Should individuals and organizations with access to the database be identified to the patient? Yes, all individuals and organizations with some form of access to the computerized databases, and the level of access permitted should be specifically identified in advance. Full disclosure of this information to the patients is necessary in obtaining consent to treatment. patient data should be assigned a security level appropriate for the data’s degree of sensitivity, which should be used to control who has access to the information. The patient has the right to know who have an access to his/her information and why. This will for the respect of the patient’s right to privacy and confidentiality. 7. Does the AMA ethics opinion mention encryption as a technique for security? Yes, the computerized data systems have a compromising information security. The (AMA) opinion is that â€Å" there should be controlled access to the computerized database via security procedures such as encryption (encoding), passwords, and other user identification including scan able badges†. Confidentiality agreements should be made with other healthcare professional whom the office networks with encryption is recommended if the network entails public channel of communication such a radio waves, telephone wires, and microwaves. This will increase the changes of information confidentiality. 8. In regard to electronic medical record (EMR), what is the policy for disclosing authorized data requested by third parties? The patient must give consent in writing authorization for disclosing any information about his/her medical record. the individual or groups requesting the data required to obtain the expressed consent of the patient. The dissemination of confidentiality medical data should be limited to only those individuals or agencies with a bona fide use of the data. As well as the fact that, the third parties receiving the Electronic – PHI , do not have the authorization to disclose the information to additional sources. Then , the database should disclose the least amount of E-PHI possible to serve the purpose , while also limiting the period of its use. Finally, the policy for disclosing the E-PHI is clear, the database must acquire consent for the dissemination of the least amount of information possible , the database must maintain the patient’s confidentiality, and, the third parties receiving the data may not disclose the data to any other organization or individual. American Medical Association, (AMA) opinion 5.07. REFERENTS: Search box type, opinion 5.07

Corporations Essay

CHAPTER 19 CORPORATIONS 1. – THE NATURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF CORPORATIONS A corporation is a legal entity created and recognized by state law. It can consist of one or two persons identified under a common name. CORPORATE PERSONNEL When an individual purchases a share of stock in a corporation, that person becomes a shareholder and owner of the corporation. Shareholder and corporations are liable. THE LIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDER One of the key advantages of the corporate forms is the limited liability of its owners. Corporate shareholders normally are not personally liable for the obligations of the corporation beyond the extent of their investments. CORPORATE TAXATION Corporate profits are taxed, and do not receives tax deduction for dividends distributed to shareholders. Profits that are not distributed are retained by the corporation. These retained earnings if invested properly, will yield higher corporate profits in the future. TORTS AND CRIMINAL ACTS A corporation is liable for the torts committed by its agents or officers within the course and scope of their employment. Corporation may be held liable for criminal acts of its agents and employees, provided the punishment is one that can be applied to the corporation, corporation can be fined. CORPORATION SENTENCING GUIDELINES Penalties depend on factors and executives involvement. Corporate lawbreakers can face fines smaller amounting or to hundreds of millions of dollars. When a company has taken substantial steps to prevent, investigate, and punish wrongdoing, such as by establishing and enforcing crime prevention  standards, a court may impose less serious penalties. Corporate sentencing guidelines require corporations to train employees on how to comply with relevant laws. CLASSIFICATION OF CORPORATIONS Domestic, foreign, and alien corporations * Domestic corporation; by its home state (the state in which it incorporates). * Foreign corporation; corporation formed in one state but doing business in another state. * Alien corporation; corporation formed in another country but doing business on the E.E.U.U. In some instances, the corporation must obtain a certificate of authority in any state which plans to do business. But the foreign corporation does not need this certificate to sell goods over the internet. Public and private corporations * Public corporation, is one formed by the government to meet some political purpose, such a U.S. Postal service, AMTRAK. A public corporation is not the same as a publicly held corporation. A publicly held corporation is any corporation whose shares are publicly traded in a securities market, such as the New York Stock Exchange or over the counter market. * Private corporation, are created for private benefit. Most corporations are private although they may serve a public purpose. Nonprofit corporation Corporation formed for purposes other making a profit are called nonprofit or not-for-profit corporations. Private hospitals, educational institutions, charities, and religious organizations for example, are organized as nonprofit organization. Close corporations A close corporations is one whose shares are held by members of a family or by relatively few persons. Referred also as closely held, family, or privately held corporations. Usually the members of the small group  constituting a close corporation are personally know to each other. A close corporation is often operated like a partnership. *Management of close corporations To prevent a majority shareholder from dominating a close corporation, the corporation may require that more than a simple majority of the directors approve any action taken by the board. *Transfer of shares in close corporations The transfer of one shareholder’s shares to someone else can cause serious management problems. Control of a close corporation can also be established through the use of shareholder agreement. S corporations A close corporation that meets the qualifying requirements specified in subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code can operate as an S corporation. If a corporation has a S corporation status, it can avoid the imposition of income taxes at the corporate level while retaining many of the advantages of a corporation, particularly limited liability. *Qualification requirement for S corporations 1) The corporation must be a domestic corporation. 2) The corporation must not be a member of an affiliated group of corporations. 3) The shareholders of the corporation must be individuals, estates, or certain trusts. 4) The corporation must have no more than one hundred shareholders. 5) The corporation must have only one class of stock, although all shareholders do not need to have the same voting rights. 6) No shareholder of the corporation may be a nonresident alien. *Benefits of a S corporations 1) When a corporation has losses, the S election allows the shareholders to use the losses to offset other taxable income. 2) When the shareholder’s tax bracket is lower than the tax bracket for regular corporations. The S election causes the corporation’s entire income to be taxed in the shareholder’s bracket, whether it is distributed. Professional corporation Professional corporation such as physician, lawyers, dentists, and accountants can incorporate. There is generally no limitation on liability for acts of malpractice or obligations incurred because of a breach of duty to a client of a PC. In many states, professional persons are liable not only for their own negligent acts, but also for the misconduct of persons under their direct supervision who render professional services. A shareholder in a professional corporation is generally protected from contractual liability and cannot be held liable for the torts that are committed by other professional at the firm. 2. – CORPORATE FORMATION One of the most common reasons for creating a corporation is the need for additional capital to finance expansion. Incorporation may be the best choice for an expanding business organization because a corporation can obtain more capital by issuing shares to stock. PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES Persons rarely engage in preliminary promotional activities. It is important for businesspersons to understand that they are personally liable for all preincorporation contracts made investor, accountants, or others on behalf of the future corporation. INCORPORATION PROCEDURES Exact procedures for incorporation differ among states, but the basic steps are as follows: 1) Select a state of incorporation. 2) Secure the corporate name. 3) Prepare the articles of incorporation. 4) File the articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. Selecting the state of incorporation Because laws differ from state to state. States fees are considered too. Securing the corporate name The choice of a corporate name is subject to state approval to ensure against duplication or deception. All the states require the corporation name to include the word corporation (Corp.), Incorporated (Inc.), company (Co.), or limited (Ltd.). Preparing the articles of incorporation The primary document needed to incorporate a business is the articles of incorporation, must include the following information; 1) The name of the corporation. 2) The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue. 3) The name and address of the corporation’s initial registered agent. 4) The name and address of each incorporator. *Shares of the corporation The articles must specify the number of shares of stock the corporation is authorized to issue. A company might state that the aggregate number of shares that the corporation has the authority to issue is 5k. *Registered office and agent The corporation must indicate the location and address where of it registered office within the state. *Incorporators Each incorporator must be listed by name and address. *Duration and purpose A corporation has a perpetual existence unless the articles state otherwise. The owners may want to prescribe a maximum duration, however, after which the corporation must formally renew its existence. A corporation can be formed for any lawful purpose. *Internal organization Articles can describe the corporation’s internal management structure, although this is usually included in the bylaws adopted after the corporation is formed. Filing the articles with the State Once the articles of incorporation have been prepared and signed by the incorporators, they are sent to the appropriate state official, usually the secretary of State. FIRST ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING TO ADOPT BYLAWS Usually, the most important function of this meeting is the adoption of bylaws. If the articles of incorporation named the initial board of directors, then the directors, by majority vote, call the meeting to adopt the bylaws and complete the company’s organization. DEFECTS IN FORMATION AND CORPORATE STATUS The procedures for incorporation are very specific. If they are not allowed precisely, others may be able to challenge the existence of the corporation. When the corporation seeks to enforce a contract against a defaulting party that party may be able to avoid liability on the ground of a defect in the incorporation procedure. De Jure and De Facto corporations If a corporation has substantially complied with all conditions precedent to incorporation, a corporation is said to have de jure existence. Because a de jure corporation is one that is properly formed, neither the state nor third party can attack its existence. Sometimes, there is a defect in complying with statutory mandates, under these circumstances the corporation may have de facto status, meaning that it will be treated as a legal corporation despite the defect in its formation. The following elements are required for de facto status; 1) There must be a state statute under which the corporation can be incorporated. 2) The parties must have made a good faith attempt to comply with the statute. 3) The enterprise must already have undertaken to do business as a corporation. Corporation by Estoppel If a business holds itself out to others as being a corporation but has made no attempt to incorporate, the firm normally will be stopped from denying corporate status lawsuit by a third party. When justice requires, the courts treat an alleged corporation as if it were an actual corporation for the purpose of determining the rights and liabilities in particular circumstances. A corporation by estoppels is thus determined by the situation. CORPORATE POWERS When a corporation is created, the express and implied powers necessary to achieve its purpose also come into existence. The following order of priority is used if a conflict arises among the various documents involving a corporation; 1) U. S. Constitution. 2) Constitution of the state of incorporation. 3) State statutes. 4) Articles of incorporation. 5) Bylaws. 6) Resolutions of the board of directors. To borrow funds, the corporation acts through its board of directors to authorize the loan. ULTRA VIRES DOCTRINE The term ultra vires means â€Å"beyond the power†. Most cases dealing with ultra vires acts have involved contracts made for unauthorized purposes. In some states, when a contract is entirely executor, either party can use a defense of ultra vires to prevent contract enforcement. 3. – PIERCING CORPORATE VEIL Occasionally, the owners use a corporate entity to perpetrate a fraud, circumvent the law, or in some other way accomplish an illegitimate objective. In these situations, the court will ignore the corporate structure and pierce the corporate veil. The following are some of the factors that frequently cause of the courts to pierce the corporate veil; 1) A party is tricked into a dealing. 2) The corporation is set up never to make a profit or always to be insolvent. Not enough money when it formed. 3) Statutory corporate formalities, such a holding required corporation meeting, are not allowed. 4) Personal and corporate interests are mixed together. THE COMINGLING OF PERSONAL AND CORPORATE ASSETS The potential for corporate assets to be used for personal benefit its especially great in a close corporation, in which the shares are held by a single person or by few individuals. In such a situation, the separate status of the corporate entity and the shareholder must be carefully preserved. Certain practices invite trouble â€Å"family owned corporation†, the comingling of corporate and personal funds, the failure to remit taxes, including payroll, and the shareholders continuous personal use of corporate property. LOANS TO THE CORPORATION Corporation laws usually do not specifically prohibit a shareholder from leading funds to her or his corporation. Any transaction has to be made in a good faith and for fair value. 4. – DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AND SHAREHOLDERS ROLE OF DIRECTORS The board of directors is the ultimate authority in every corporation. Directors have responsibility for all policymaking decisions necessary to the management of all corporate affairs. Just as shareholders cannot act individually to bind the corporation, the directors must act as a body in carrying out routine corporate business. The board selects and removes the corporate officers. Election of directors Can be less than three, directors are elected by a majority vote of the shareholders. *Removal of directors A director can be removed for cause (failing to perform). *Vacancies on the board of directors Can occur because of death or resignation or when a new position is created through amendment of the articles or bylaws. Compensation of directors Director usually are compensated for time, effort, etc. In many corporations directors are also chief corporate officers and receive compensation in their managerial positions. Board of directors meetings The board of directors conducts business by holding formal meetings with recorded minutes. The date of regular meetings are usually established in the articles or by board resolution. Rights of directors A corporate director must have rights to function properly in that position. COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1) Executive committee. The board members often elect an executive committee of directors to handle the interium management decisions between board of directors meetings. 2) Audit committee. Is responsible for the selection, compensation, and oversight of the independent public accountants who audit the corporations financial records. 3) Nominating committee. This one chooses the candidates for the board of directors that management wishes to submit to the shareholders in the next election. 4) Compensation committee. Reviews and decides the salaries, bonuses, stock options and other benefits. 5) Litigation committee. Decides whether the corporation should pursue requests by shareholders to file a lawsuit against some party that has allegedly harmed the corporation. CORPORATE OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVES Officers and other executives are hired by the board of directors. DUTIES AND LIABILITIES OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Are deemed to be fiduciaries of the corporation because their relationship with the corporation and its shareholders is one of trust and confidence. Duty of care Directors and officers must exercise due care in performing their duties, they need to act in a good faith. If directors and officers failed to exercise due care results in harm to the corporation can be held liable for negligence. *Duty to make informed and reasonable decisions Directors and officers are expected to be informed on corporate matters and to conduct a reasonable investigations of this situations before making a decision. *Duty to exercise reasonable supervision Directors are also expected to exercise a reasonable amount of supervision when they delegate work to corporate officers and employees. *Dissenting directors Directors are also expected to attend board of directors meetings, and their votes should be entered into the minutes. Unless a dissent is entered in the minutes, the director is presumed to have assented. Dissenting directors are rarely held individually liable to the corporation. *The business judgment rule Directors and officers are expected to exercise due care and to use their best judgment in guiding corporate management, but they are not insurers of business success. Under the business judgment rule, a corporate director or officer will not be liable to the corporation or to its shareholders mistakes of judgment and bad business decisions. Duty of loyalty Defined as faithfulness to one’s obligations and duties. Typically involve; 1) Competing with the corporation. 2) Usurping a corporate opportunity 3) Having an interest that conflicts with the interest of the corporation. 4) Engaging in insider trading. 5) Authorizing a corporate transaction that is detrimental to minority shareholders. 6) Selling control over the corporation. Conflicts of interest Corporate directors often have many business affiliations, and a director may sit on the board of more than one corporation. Sometimes engage personal interest too. Liability of directors and officers Corporate directors and officers are personally liable for their own torts and crimes. Additionally they may be held personally liable for the torts and crimes committed by corporate personnel under their direct supervision. THE ROLE OF SHAREHOLDERS The acquisition of a share of stock makes a person an owner of and shareholder in a corporation, shareholders own the corporation but have no right to manage it. Basically the shareholders ownership control is limited to voting to elect or remove members of the board of directors and deciding whether to approve fundamental changes in the corporation. Shareholders are not agents of the corporation, nor do they have legal title to the corporations property, such as its building and equipment, they simply have an equitable (ownership) in the firm. Shareholders powers Shareholders must approve fundamental changes affecting the corporations before the changes can be implemented. Shareholder approval normally is required to amend the articles of incorporation or bylaws, to conduct a merger or dissolve the corporation, and to sell all or substantially all of the corporations assets. Shareholders have the power to vote to elect or remove members of the board of directors. Shareholders meetings At least annually and proper notice need to be send it. *Proxies The law allows stockholders to either vote in person or appoint another person as their agent to vote their shares at the meetings. The signed appointment form authorizing an agent to vote the shares is called proxy. Shareholder voting Shareholders exercises ownership control through the power of their votes. Corporate business matters are presented in the form of resolutions, which shareholders vote to approve or disapprove. *Quorum requirements At least 50% need to be present. Extraordinary corporate matters, such as a merger, consolidation, or the dissolution of the corporation require approval by a higher percentage of representatives of all corporate shares entitled to vote. *Voting list The RMBCA requires a corporation to maintain an alphabetical voting list of shareholders. *Cummulative voting Most states permit and some require, shareholders to elect directors by cumulative voting, a voting method designed to allow minority shareholders to be represented on the board of directors. *Other voting techniques A voting trust is an agreement under which shareholder transfers the shares to a trustee, usually for a specified period of time. The trustee is responsible for voting the shares on behalf of the beneficiary-shareholder. RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS Stock certificates Is a certificate issued by a corporation that evidences ownership of a specified number of shares in the corporation. In jurisdiction that require the issuance of stock certificates, shareholders have the right to demand that the corporation issue certificates and record their names and addresses in the corporate stock record books. Preemptive rights With preemptive rights a shareholder receives a preference over all other purchasers to subscribe to or purchase a prorated share of a new issue of stock. Which means a shareholder who is given preemptive rights can purchase the same percentage of the new shares being issued as she or he already holds in the company. This rule does not apply to treasury shares, shares that are authorized but have not been issued. Stock warrants Are rights to buy stock at a stated price by a specified date that are given by the company. Dividends Is a distribution of corporate profits or income orders by the directors and paid to the shareholders in proportion to their respective shares in the corporation. *Sources of funds for dividends Depending on the state law, dividends may be paid from the following sources; 1) Retained earnings 2) Net profits 3) Surplus *Directors failure to declare a dividend Shareholders can ask the court to compel the directors to meet and declare a dividend. To succeed the shareholders must show that the directors have acted so unreasonably in withholding the dividend that their conduct is an abuse of their discretion. Inspection rights Shareholders in a corporations enjoy both law and statutory inspection right (but limited). This include inspect voting lists, specified corporate records. Transfer of shares Corporate stock represents an ownership right in intangible personal property. The law generally recognizes the right of an owner to transfer property to another person unless there are valid restrictions on its transferability. Rights on dissolution When a corporation is dissolved and its outstanding debts and the claims of its creditors have been satisfied, the remaining assets are distributed on a pro rata basis among the shareholders. The shareholders derivative suit When the corporation is harmed by the actions of a third party, the directors can bring a lawsuit in the name of the corporation against that party. LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS One of the hallmarks of the corporate organization is that shareholders are nor personally liable for the debts of the corporation. If the corporation fails the shareholder can lose their investment but that is the limit of their liability. Watered stock When a corporation issued shares for less than their fair market value, the shares are referred as watered stock. Usually the shareholder who receives the watered stock must to pay the difference to the corporation. Duties of majority shareholders A majority shareholder is regarded as having a fiduciary duty to the corporation and to the minority shareholders. This occurs when a single shareholder owns a sufficient number of shares to exercise de facto control over the corporation. In these cases the majority shareholders owe a fiduciary duty to the minority shareholders. A breach of fiduciary duties by those who control a closely held corporation normally constitutes what is known as oppressive conduct. 5. – MAJOR BUSINESS FORMS COMPARED

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Universities should prepare students better to work

Newest reports are not certain if students are prepared to work. Job market isn't getting any easier for them and too many students are graduating from college unprepared. Reason for this situation is that universities aren't giving students the right guidance. Colleges should have better qualified career-center staff gulled their students and help them with future choices.However those people should have some experience hen it comes to giving advice. Having inexperienced people in career-center is a huge problem for students who end up getting advice from not qualified people who have never done any actual hiring themselves and don't have a first-hand understanding of what employers are looking for. On the other hand In colleges students can have work placement during their studies and unalterably can provide them or support students during them.What colleges really need is talking about careers before graduation in order to get dead for Job and be sure what they're going to do. Man y people pick their major without nothing anything about it or not fully understand it and they don't have a clear view about their obligations in workplace. On the other hand students can learn those things during Internship and experience It by themselves and start to learn from simple things at the begging and then be fully Independent and skilled. Practice Is the best form of learning and gives many advantages for the future career.Help students understand that a degree alone won't get them a Job. Too many students graduate with the belief that their degree will lead straight to a Job-setting the stage for a painful wake-up call when they realize that In most fields, a degree Is simply a Romulus qualification, not an Instant pass to easy employment. Nowadays more and more people have a degree (in our country 48,5 % odd population) , in order to get a Job graduates should have other additional abilities for example : foreign languages .On the other hand if student is really good in that one thing he can get a bob without graduating and potential employer can contact him and offer an interesting Job offer. Sometimes abilities speak for themselves and students can receive a Job offer without any experience. Some people will claim that universities should better prepare students to work and it is not only up for students what they are going to carry out from college and how effective it will be . Students should have good take care of them and should have support how they need to ,because college Is only a beginning of entire journey for

Monday, July 29, 2019

Case study 4 -BUDGETING STATEMENTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study 4 -BUDGETING STATEMENTS - Essay Example Hence for 4000 patients visited during the month, the number of hours expected to be spent by the nurses is (4000 * 0.5) 2000 hours. But the actual time spent by the nurses on the patients is 2080 hours. This indicates that an additional 80 hours, i.e, (80 * 12)  £ 960 was spent on the patients. It is essential to investigate the reasons for this variance as the effect of this variance is adverse. As this measure is directly related to the efficiency of the nurses working at the hospital, one of the reasons for this variance might be that some of the nurses might be inefficient (Drury, 2005). The other possible reason could be that, some of the patients might have required additional care and attention which could have resulted in additional hours spent by the nurses. Appropriate action can be taken to improve the efficiency of the nurses can control this variance to a great extent (Blocker, 1951). The cost incurred in terms of the payment made to the nurses amounts to  £ 33,180. However the estimated pay based on the average pay per hour ( £ 12) is computed as (2080 * 12)  £ 24,960. This additional  £ 8,220 also has an adverse effect on the budget. Hence it is essential to understand the reasons for this variance in order to adjust the budgeting accordingly for the future periods. It is known that the pay for the nurses vary from  £ 7 to  £ 28, whereas the average is  £ 12. In the budget prepared, this average was only taken into account. However, the reason for the variance might be that more number of nurses with payment more than  £ 12 were on duty during the month. This variance can be controlled by noting the nurses who will be on duty for the following month and estimating the pay based on their pay scales, instead of using the average pay value. The quantity of supplies and variable heads are associated with the nursing hours as per the statistical studies. According to the standard, an average of  £ 10 worth of supplies and variable overheads are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fashion PR Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fashion PR - Article Example The present paper endeavors to critically analyze the applicability of known dictums in public relations to the fashion industry after carefully understanding the development of public relations in the industry from earlier times in history. The development of public relations strategies in fashion industry came about around the 1930s, when members of the elite and wealthy class could afford to select and pick designer wearables like garments, gowns, wigs, glasses, bracelets, umbrellas and so on. By then, distinct fashion magazines were already available in print in the urban society and photos were being printed to create cover pages for the magazines. Fashion was not just restricted to apparels and what a person wore, but was also found in home dà ©cor and accessories. By the 1960s, a more important trend of identifying and portraying the volatility of the industry began and is popular till today. Amongst the first examples of use of public relation strategy in promoting fashion p roducts, we find a localization of power as a particular news house would ask members of its elite class or Hollywood actors and actresses who are members of the book house or publishing house to wear creations of known designer members of the same society, at events and functions where they would get noticed and clicked. This way, the publishing houses hoped to keep glamour and glitz showcased on people associated with them. One such example is seen when Eleanor Lambert in 1950 asks Joan Crawford to sport.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Language of Argument in the Real World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Language of Argument in the Real World - Essay Example healthcare reform in 2010 makes it mandatory for each individual to have their own health care insurance. Even though the low-income families are entitled to receive subsidies from the federal government (Kaiser Family, 2012); the average-income families who do not have access to an employer-sponsored healthcare plan are obliged to pay for their own healthcare insurance (Galewitz, 2010). In the end, this issue brings out criticism with regards to social justice and fairness of this particular healthcare reform. When writing an argumentative paper that aims to convince the readers about the adverse socio-economic consequences of the U.S. healthcare reform in 2010, the writer should make use of persuasive synthesis using the rhetorical theory. In general, the main purpose of rhetorical communication is to persuade other people by being able to apply a rational and logical reasoning with regards to a particular scenario. Aside from the use of logical reasoning, it is equally important on the part of the writer to show unbiased opinion with regards to this subject matter. Therefore, the writer should be able to present not only the benefits but also the consequences of implementing the healthcare reform. By considering the target audiences’ opinion and outlook in life, the writer can create a paper that can effectively convince other people why this particular healthcare reform can only benefit a small group of individuals at the expense of the general public and the private sectors. Dunham, W. (2010, March 22). Overhauling the U.S. healthcare system, the most costly in the world, has been a high priority for President Barack Obama since he took office in January 2009. Retrieved from

Friday, July 26, 2019

Culture Clashes in the two novelsThings fall apart Chinua Achebe and Term Paper - 1

Culture Clashes in the two novelsThings fall apart Chinua Achebe and Lolita Vladimir Nabokov - Term Paper Example The following essay is an effort to portray the clash of cultures as the main protagonists interact with the people of different culture, the difficulties they face and the differences they experience. Igbo Okonkwo is a Negro whose interaction with British colonialists’ causes much of chaos in his life and the same is true with Humbert who is unable to understand what is going on in Lolita’s life. In both the novels, protagonists’ lives end in misery making us to think about our lost roots of heritage and our own identity. Chinua Achebe tells us the life of an Igbo who has himself experienced and seen culture of the people falling under the walls of the British colonial power. When British and other whites interfered in simple lives of Africans, it brought chaos and disturbance in their cultural and religious lives. Throughout the novel, people are seen facing conflicting situations in their daily affairs and even in their religious lives. Okonkwo is both a good farmer and a warrior and has gained two titles for his clan; has three wives, is owner of two barns full of yarns and a considerably big house revealing his achievements. He has got this success because of his father’s failures in life, which shows us type of the difficulties he must have borne in his life. He is revered and respected by his clan, as per his custom â€Å"Age was respected among his people, but achievement was revered.  As the elders said, if a child washed his hands he could eat with kings† (Achebe 6). While in Lolita, when Humbert of European origin and Charlotte Haze as well as Lolita, both Americans, get to know each other, it leads to conflicting situations in their lives. The glamour and intellect of Humbert fascinates Charlotte while on the other hand Humbert laughs at the superficial aspects and civilized nature of the Americans. He looks at Charlotte not more than a simple housewife whereas considers Lolita as a sexual symbol. He is

Corporate strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Corporate strategy - Essay Example It is irrefutable that the brewing industry and its market in UK have significantly changed over the years. It should be noted that most of the common assumptions and preconceptions of manufacturers about their distribution channels and consumer preferences are now obsolete. Thus, Coors Brewers Ltd. (Coors) needs to institute a change of strategic directions in order to account for these important developments and trends. This report generally aims to identify the various future strategic options for Coors. The first section will conduct an environmental scanning which will examine the different changes in the market of the business organisation. Secondly, this report will briefly outline its recommendations on how Coors can further enhance its performance by using its strengths and core competence to take advantage of the opportunities in the UK market. These will be conducted through the use of strategic management tools specifically the Ansoff Matrix. The market for alcoholic drinks is a very important sector in the UK market. It should be noted that the brewery sector generates more revenue than the other large industries like clothing, motor vehicles, tobacco, and confectionary. However, there has been a decreasing trend in alcohol consumption within UK households. It also noted that the traditional beer consumption in public houses is now overshadowed by the increasing consumer preference to consume brewed products at home as this is perceived to be more socially acceptable. The major trends in the UK brewing industry are identified as follows: â€Å"there is a growing female and mixed group influence; going to a public house is a leisure activity; consumption is often driven by occasion and events in both on-and off-trade; premium beers are becoming an important sector; there is wide choice of outlets; and there is a wide choice of brands.† In addition, it should

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Exchange Rate Risk Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Exchange Rate Risk - Assignment Example The term exchange rate risk is used to define the possibility that, because of fluctuation currency values, companies dealing in more than one currency may end up with more or less of a profit. In the Bruce Company's case, a fluctuation of 1.45733 Euros per Sterling denotes a negative exchange rate risk. Put more simply, the Bruce Company must pay the French company a total sum of 4.48 million Euros in four equal installments of 1.12 million Euros. Because the Sterling is currently stronger than the Euro, Bruce Company will loose money during four separate transactions in which their stronger currency is converted to the weaker currency. Thus, Bruce Company must determine a way to hedge against the exchange rate risk, or take out another investment specifically to reduce or eliminate this risk. One way to hedge against this risk is allowing the sterling to accrue interest in a money market account. Because interest in a British account is and will continue to be greater than that of a French account, a simple rate of return calculation will show that the British account will yield higher profit For instance, consider one payment of 1.12 million Euros kept in a British Money Market account for three months. 1.12 Million ________ = 768, 529 1.45733 ROR= 768, 529 ( .25 + 4.59375 ) ROR= 3,722,562.34375 If, on the other hand, the Euros were kept in a French Money Market account for three months, the following results would occur: ROR= 1.12 million (.25 + 2.75000) ROR= 3,360,000 It is obvious, therefore, that using British Money Market transactions is especially advantageous in this type of scenario. The extra money accumulated in the account may compensate for, or at least soften, the blow of exchange rate risk, depending on the floating rates at the time. There is a significant risk involved in long term Money Market account investment, however, in that they too are subject to fluctuating exchange rates. If exchange rates vary drastically in while interest is accruing, lower interest rates might, in the he end, have generated more capital once the money is exchanged for the original currency. 1Interest Rate Risk When the Bruce Company took out its loan, its choice of a fixed interest rate was an attempt to avoid great interest rate risk, as interest rates were rising. Now that the financial advisor and others believe that the interest rate is falling, howerver, and interest rate swap is beginning to look beneficial. A company uses an interest rate swap when it exchanges its interest rate for that of another party. By swapping interest rates, companies allow themselves some freedom from climbing interest rates. In order to determine whether or not an interest rate swap is beneficial, however, the zero-coupon bonds calculations must be performed. If interest is compounded annually, using the rate of returns formula, interest rates for zero-coupon bonds are as followes: One Year Two Years Three Years Four Years 4.675= (1+ i) 4.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How EEOC and rehabilitation act define interacting with others as a Essay

How EEOC and rehabilitation act define interacting with others as a major life activity under the americans with disability act, how Supreme Court precedent def - Essay Example ecord of such impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment.5 The EEOC defines "a mental impairment" as "any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, Bi-Polar Disorder II, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities,"6 for purposes of the ADA.7 Thus, the question becomes whether this impairment substantially limits a major life activity.8 Interacting with others is listed as a major life activity in the EEOC's Compliance Manual: "Mental and emotional processes such as thinking, concentrating, and interacting with others are other examples of major life activities."9 This listing is significant insofar as the Appellate Court accords "great deference to the EEOC's interpretation of the ADA, since it is charged with administering the statute."10 Although, the EEOC provides a list of examples of major life activities that does not include interacting with others,11 this list is not exhaustive, and courts have routinely recognized major life activities not included in the EEOC regulations.12 Interacting with others is analogous to the major life activities enumerated by the EEOC because it is an essential, daily activity.13 It is not possible to exist in our society without interacting with other people. "Interacting with others, by any definition, is a required precursor to an individual's ability to work, to love, to re produce, and to function on a day-to-day basis in modem society."14 Furthermore, interacting with others is no more difficult to define than caring for oneself, a widely recognized major life activity.15 B. Judicial pronouncements of the Supreme Court and applicable jurisprudence supports the view that "interacting with others" is a major life activity As social human beings we come into contact with each other on a daily basis and that contact involves the use of abilities such as seeing, listening, talking, communicating and walking.16 These abilities have been described by ADA as "major life activities". As previously stated, the EEOC has prepared a list of abilities that constitute major life activities and they are: "...functions such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working."17 These lists of abilities

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The accounting policies of Marks and Spencer Essay

The accounting policies of Marks and Spencer - Essay Example   The first part of the report analyses the development of two accounting policies regarding tangible fixed assets and intangible one. To make the analysis more critical, comparisons with the main competitors of Marks and Spencer are drawn illustrating the controversial development of the selected policies. The second part of the report deals with the analysis of transition from UK GAAP to IFRS with specific respect to the following issues: treatment for property, property leases, employee benefits, share-based payments, intangible assets, and financial instruments. During their lifetime companies acquire property, which should be treated as assets according to the accounting standards. Meanwhile most of the property types have a 'lifetime' span, a time period, called useful economic life, during which an asset is used. To reflect the useful economic life in financial statements, profit and loss account receives regular portion of the cost of an asset. This expense is known as depr eciation. In other words, depreciation represents the extent to which economic value of an asset has been consumed by the business. There are different accounting policies on depreciation, but the most commonly used two are straight line depreciation and reducing balance. The one that is used by Marks and Spencer is the straight line depreciation. "Depreciation is provided to write off the cost or valuation of tangible fixed assets, less residual value, by equal annual instalments" (Marks and Spencer, 2005a, p. 33). That means the company pays the cost of an asset minus its value after its useful economic life expires by equal portions annually. Thus, fixtures fittings and equipment as a type of property has useful economic life of 3-15 years in the accounting policy of Marks and Spencer - that means, during that time the company annually pays its cost less residual value divided into 3-15 equal portions. Another popular policy of depreciation is reducing balance. In this case the d epreciation in each year is calculated as the percentage of the un-depreciated value. For instance, if the purchase cost of an asset is 100 and the reducing balance rate is 20% then the first year depreciation is 100*0.2=20 and the second year depreciation is (100-20)*0.2=16. The reducing balance rule is used to reflect the fact that the value of some assets falls more rapidly in the first years of use than in the last ones. As can be seen in theory the reducing balance policy can go on forever, with annual portions reducing ad infinitum. Generally, after 95% of the initial cost has been depreciated all the rest is written off in the next portion. The difference of these two methods is as follows: while the straight line depreciation is the simplest of all methods, the reducing balance allows taking the advantage of larger tax deductions in early years.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

Article Analysis Essay Example for Free

Article Analysis Essay This article gives us an insight on whether how a society in a specific country especially like of China can have a say on what their government is doing especially on projects that in return might have an effect on their lives, and also giving added revenue to their government and at the same time protecting the lives of their citizens. Even the social activist like Xue ye of the Beijing – based Friends of Nature had stated that â€Å"We are weak, but we have a chance. † He already knew that it would be hard for them to convince the villagers around the place where there is a project or a construction that has to be created by the government. There may be some factors, which may take effect if the projects will continue. That is why it must be thoroughly evaluated first by all sectors before they allow it to pursue. They must not think on the benefits alone upon the relocation but through a lifetime perspective too. It is not only their future but also for the future generation of their country. The whole article is a depiction of social construction regarding the issue of trade and industry. There are different evidences and justifications that the author has redeemed. He also stated his own opinion and ideologies regarding the issue, which somehow important to the whole article because it will state the stand of the author in representation of the society based on the evidences that were found and researched. From all of this, the whole article shows the facts and data exist within the situation will state its own ideologies and perceptions of the social realization. It means that the author has its own depiction of truth and accuracy of facts and data that he has stated whether it is for or against the authorities of the society. Reference (Author). (Date). Power to the People. (Publisher)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Evolution of Primate Locomotion and Body Configuration

Evolution of Primate Locomotion and Body Configuration Humans, who have long since abandoned the trees as their principal lodging place, have only partially lost the physical adaptations for tree climbing; their hands, in particular, remain in the arboreal mold. Only the feet have lost their primitive prehensility in adapting to bipedal walking (Primate, 2009). There are many changes that occurred in locomotion and body configuration through primate evolution, many of which are easily seen, but some require some in depth research. This research paper will try to elaborate on the evolutionary modifications and some of the theories that have been proposed for these changes throughout our and other primate evolution. Grade I The Lemuroids Some of the greatest diversity of strepsirhines and lemurs are found on Madagascar, where more than 30 species are represented, belonging to five different families (Harrison, 2004). The Lemur ranges in size from as small as a single ounce to as much as twenty two pounds. At one time there were even larger lemurs that weighed as much as 240k g but are now extinct due to humans settling on Madagascar. Lemurs on the evolution timeline have not changed very much from their ancestors. This helps in the understanding of primate evolution because we can see primates of long ago first hand. One of the best-known members of the lemur family is the Ring-tailed Lemur. Like other lemurs the Ring-tailed lemur move quadrupedally in the trees and on the ground. Although their spine is shaped for walking quadrupedally, Ring-tailed lemurs are able to hop bipedally as well. According to Shapiro, there are a great deal of fossils from the earliest of primates. And although they were not directly ances tral to the lemurs, in terms of their adaptations they were probably most similar to the living lemurs. Shapiro goes on to say that this spine comparison is important because lemurs spine is a very different shape from the spine of a primate that keeps its back upright a lot. Compared to other primates like Chimpanzees, the lemurs spine looks very different. All monkeys or prosimians who walk on all fours most of the time have much longer spines, which are more flexible, and they have a harder time holding their back upright. Shapiro also states that Lemurs do a lot of different kinds of locomotor behaviors. They do walk quadrupedally, but theyre also very good at leaping. And in some of the lemurs, they do their leaping from a horizontal position. And their spine looks like that of a primate that walks quadrupedally. Other lemurs leap from a vertical position, and they spend almost all their time either clinging to the trunk of a tree vertically, and then they leap (Shapiro, 2001). Grade II The Tarsiers The Tarsier is a one of the smallest primates belonging to a single genus and they can be found on the islands of Southeast Asia. Tarsiers are often called the living fossils because of striking resemblance to fossils of primates from 40 million years ago. These nocturnal primates have some of the largest eyes of the primate family. Their legs are much longer than their forelimbs and they have a long and almost hairless tail. Tarsiers also have pads on the ends of their fingers which are a result of adaption for their specialized lifestyle as vertical clingers and leapers (Harrison, 2004). What makes Tarsiers unique among primates is that they have toilet claws on both their second and third toes, unlike the lemur which only have a toilet claw on their second toe. Strepsirhines and Tarsiers have in the past been grouped together because they still retain many primitive features that become obsolete in higher evolved primates. However, Tarsiers share a number of distinctive specializa tions with anthropoids (for example, the development of a bony partition that partially separates the eyeball from the chewing muscles behind, lack of a toothcomb, a dry hair-covered nose and undivided upper lip, a short snout with reduced facial whiskers, and the structure of the placenta) that suggest that they are more closely related to each other than either is to the strepsirhines (Harrison, 2004). Tarsier move somewhat like a small, furry frog, and can leap from small branch to small branch. In order to do this efficiently, the tibia and the fibula (the two lower leg bones) are fused about halfway down their length, giving the leg more strength. Tarsiers also have elongated ankle bones, which helps them leap, and which gives them their name, tarsier, a reference to the tarsal, or ankle, region.(Jurmain, 2008) The legs are much longer than their arms. These curious little nocturnal creatures dart around the undergrowth and low trees, keeping out the realm of larger animals unt il they want to leap across the ground to gather up prey. Tarsiers are carnivorous, eating insects and small lizards (Blashfield, 2009). If the Tarsier had not developed grasping and large eyes through evolution it would have most likely not survived in its present habitat. Grade III The Monkeys Monkeys can range in size from 5–6 in long (plus tail) to almost 3.3 ft long. Monkeys can also weigh anywhere from 4–5 ounces to as much as 77 lbs. Some are arboreal (living in trees) while others live on the savanna. Living in such different climates play part in how some Monkeys have different characteristics than others. Some characteristics are shared amongst most Monkeys. New World monkeys have prehensile tails while Old World monkeys have non-prehensile tails or no visible tail at all. Some monkeys have trichromatic color vision like humans do, others are dichromats or monochromats. Although both the New and Old World monkeys, like the apes, have forward facing eyes, the faces of Old World and New World monkeys look very different, though again, each group shares some features such as the types of noses, cheeks and rumps. One monkey that stands out in particular because of its evolutionary traits is the spider monkey. The Spider monkeys use several different types of locomotion. They can use quadrupedal for walking or running, suspensory locomotion when hanging, climbing or moving through the trees and bipedalism when leaping. Quadrupedal locomotion is usually observed if the monkey is on a stable relatively substrate free of obstacles. When they are using suspensory locomotion they may be brachiating (swinging with their arms from one branch to another while often maintaining a tail hold). The most commonly used pattern of body movement while in a feeding pattern is that of quadrupedal, climbing and suspensory locomotion. While traveling they mostly employ quadrupedal walking and running, suspensory locomotion and climbing. The part of the body that helps the spider monkey walk bipedally, almost acting as external spine is the single trait in particular that makes it stand out. Its griping tail. This arboreal monkey has a prehensile tail that is muscular and tactile and is used as an extra hand. The tail is sometimes longer than the body an d when stiffly up righted against their back act an external spine so that they can maintain a bipedal walk. Both the underside and tip of the tail are used for climbing and grasping and so the spider monkey uses it like a fifth hand. When swinging by the tail, the hands are free to gather food( Valley, 2009). In the picture to the right you can see how the spider monkeys tail can support the entire weight of the monkey. The Spider monkey may have evolved into this structure so that when eating high in the trees where there is no room for error in grip, it can still have a two handed grip. There is still much speculation as to why primates as they get larger in size start to lose their tails (Kavanagh, 1984). Grade IV The Apes and Man Apes and humans differ from all of the other primates in that they lack the external tail. Shapiro believes that as primates move into an upright position that that is when we began to lose our tails. When you lose the tail, the tail musculature gets incorporated into the pelvic floor, which can form a support for your organs. Because of the upright position, your organs will tend to move downward. This is where the support would come in on the pelvic floor. Among all the Primates, Man and Apes are the most intelligent. We are also more dependent for survival. Aside from the lack of the external tail, there are several internal body differences as well, such as the absence of an appendix that monkeys have. Humans and apes are both members of the Hominoidea family. Until recently, humans were separated into our own family. It was believed that we significantly different from the apes. However, in recent genetic studies and discoveries form the fossil record have shed light on that som e apes are more similar to humans than previously believed. Apes can be found all over the world. Orangutans and Gibbons reside in Southeast Asia. Gorillas, Bonobos, and Chimpanzees can only be found in Africa. According to fossils it is also believed that humans to originated in Africa. The gibbons are the smallest of the ape family. There are 12-13 species of gibbons. Because of their size however, they are referred to as the lesser apes. Gibbons only get to be around 3ft in height and range from 12-20 pounds. One of the key characteristics of the gibbons is their long arms. Their long arms, permanently curved fingers, and light bodies make them excellent brachiators. This structure makes moving around trees by swinging from branches ideal. This action is call suspensory climbing. Gibbons also can walk bipedally on top of branches but are better at swinging (ONeil ,2009). Orangutans are the rarest and largest of the Asian apes. They can grow in weight up to 200 pounds and grow as tall as 4.5 feet. This body structure prevents it from swingi ng like the gibbons so orangutans must walk on the ground. unlike most primates, orangutans have huge fleshy pads framing the upper part of their faces. Unlike the male orangutans, the female orangutans can move about in the trees thanks to a lighter structure. Not as swift as the gibbons, the female orangutans use a leaning form of brachiation. They carefully shift their body weight to bend a supporting branch and then grab the next one before the original one snaps under pressure. In this part of the evolutionary timeline you begin to notice that primates are coming out from the trees and roaming the flat surface as they grow in body size. Their bodies are becoming less adaptable to trees. The largest of the Ape family is the Gorilla. Gorillas have been known to have been as tall as 6 feet with an arm span of almost 10 feet. This long arm span and introduction of knuckle walking is where quadrupedal is starting to fade and bipedal is beginning for primates. However, gorillas are q uadrupedal because the small legs cannot support the massive structure so it is forced to walk on all fours. They walk on the soles of their feet but not on the palms of their hands. Gorillas bend their fingers so that they can support the head end of their bodies. The gorillas head is massive and heavy. With this comes huge muscles on not only the rest of the body but on the jaw. Like humans, gorillas are terrestrial. The more common resemblance to humans does not belong to gorillas however, but chimpanzees(Byrne, 2001). Chimpanzees grow to be around 5.5 feet in height and their average weight is about 100 pounds. Their arms get to span about 6 feet. Because of the evolution of the spine in primates, even though chimpanzees prefer to walk quadrupedally, they can get around bipedally. This is what makes the chimpanzee are closest cousin on the primate table (ONeil, 2009). While researching at The Los Angeles Zoo, I got see firsthand the transformation from quadrupedal to bipedal in an afternoon. While at the chimpanzee exhibit I got to see a close family eat and sleep together. When it came time for feeding, one of the males ran bipedally across a flat area. As I walked around viewing the other primates, viewing the Siamangs and their griping abilities, the white sifakas and how it has arching spine when it walks about, and the gorillas and how when they look out at the onlookers, it really does feel like they are looking back at you with some kind of interest. You begin to believe more in Darwins theory of evolution when you see such striking patterns in structure to yourself. Although there are significant differences between humans and non human primates, the distance between primates begin to get closer as we humans begin to look deeper into primates evolution. The way we walk, grab, even just stand can all be traced through the bone structure of our non human cousins. As researchers get closer to discovering links between humans and non human primates and filling the gaps of origin information, the gap between ape and man becomes dramatically smaller than once thought. References Blashfield, J. F. (2009). Tarsiers Locomotion. Retrieved September 29, 2009, From Website: Byrne, R. W., Dunbar, R. I.M., McGrew, W. C., Pusey, A. E., Snowdon, C. T., Stanford, C. B., et al. (2001). Tree of Origin: What Primate Behavior Can Tell Us about Human Social Evolution. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Figure 1. Spider Monkey (2009). Source: Harrison, T. (2004). Primates, Retrieved September 29, 2009, from [emailprotected] Hill, Website: Jurmain, R., Kilgore, L., Trevathan, W., Ciochon, R. L., (2008). Introduction To Physical Anthropology. California: Thomson Higher Education Kavanagh, M., Morris, D. (1984). A Complete Guide To Monkeys, Apes And Other Primates. New York: The Viking Press ONeil, D. (2009) Apes. Retrieved September 30, 2009, from Website: Primate. (2009). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved September 28, 2009, from Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Website: Shapiro, L. (2001) Primate Locomotion. Retrieved September 29, 2009, from Website: Valley Zoo School (2009). Spider Monkey Retrieved September 30, 2009 Website:

Strategies for Organizational Structure

Strategies for Organizational Structure 1.1 Organizational Structure Organizational Structure is the strategic manner by which organizations arrange (or rearrange) themselves (Galbraith, 1973). This is essentially important in determining how organizations plan on utilizing their resources , particularly their human resources. To do so efficiently, certain questions need to have precise answers such as the specific responsibilities of each individual within the organization, to whom exactly they report and most importantly the coordination process that is to be implemented to bring together all these people and processes simultaneously. Bearing in mind that any framework followed needs to be consistent with the organizations main objectives, a formal channel defining the lines of authority from top to bottom (i.e. Hierarchy of Authority) is established which identifies clearly who is responsible for which personnel and/or tasks (Perrow, 1986). Traditionally, the authority of decision-making has been a centralized process (i.e. directed to higher-level management), but with increasing challenges innovation in recent times, many organizations now encourage a decentralized decision making model which gives its members the authority to make decisions without the need to consult their superiors. This has the advantage of producing a real-time response to problems by people who are specialized in that process while at the same time giving employees certain autonomy which creates a sense of job satisfaction and motivation. However this could lead to the undermining of upper management if not tackled properly. There exist 2 primary dimensions to organizational structure: The Vertical Dimension relates to the hierarchy within a company by distinguishing the decision makers and people in charge. Such organizations are considered to have either a tall or a flat structure (See Fig.1 in Appendix A). It includes the Span of Control of these individuals, which refers to the number of people they are responsible for and in effect, those groups who report to a single manager (these differ in quantity based on the nature of the work, skill-sets available, organizational culture, management style and level of Formalization, i.e. documentation of processes, rules and regulations (Noshria, 1991). Due to the high number or levels found in a Tall Structure (can exceed twelve), managers tend to have a Narrow Span of Control; where only 5 or 6 people report to any single supervisor. The converse holds for Flat Structures which have a Wide Span of Control; where up to 10 to 12 people could be reporting to a single manager, depending on the tasks involved. In short, th e taller the structure, the more the Span of Control decreases. The Horizontal Dimension addresses the division and assignment of tasks and functions across various departments within the organization. Such organizations are considered to be either wide or narrow. The structure that an organization adopts for itself is contingent upon a number of considerations like its products and services, the sort of customer base it caters to, the business strategy it employs and the management of different departments processes. The most common organizational types can be classified as follows (Fontaine, 2007): The Functional Structure which is more in line with the Vertical Dimension is perhaps the most common structure in the business world due to its simplicity and ease. By this structure, organizations set up themselves into different departments with similar skill-sets, managed by someone who is an expert in that trade. (See Fig.2 in Appendix A) (Ouchi Dowling, 1974) The Divisional Structure is more concerned with utilizing people with similar abilities across the entire business, wherever the need may be. Thus such a structure lies within the Horizontal Dimension. Such divisions may be based on different product lines, consumer markets and even geographical markets. (See Fig.3 in Appendix A) The Matrix Structure is an incorporation of both Functional and Divisional Structures, although interestingly, it operates like neither. The foundation of this structure is still functional; however different projects would require the pooling of these human resources from the various departments to serve their purpose. The project managers borrow their staff who are then involved in the project from start to finish. This is sometimes a challenge as there is a limited number of staff in each department and each project would have its own specific needs. However it is the most efficient of all organizational structures. (See Fig.4 in Appendix A) (Davis Lawrence, 1977) The Horizontally Linked Structure is a relatively new concept whereby an organization groups its people along the value chain of activities and processes that produce, market, deliver, and service the firms offerings (Spector, 2007). (See Fig.5 in Appendix A) 1.2 Organizational Culture Culture is a complex yet powerful force present in any organization that encompasses its workers values, beliefs, attitudes, behavior and shared assumptions. It is the moral compass that guides individuals in their actions at an unconscious level in all aspects of its internal and external relationships. Organizational Culture can be identified by 4 basic types: (Cameron Quinn, 1999) (See Fig.6 in Appendix A) Collaborative (Clan) Culture: This sort of culture is characterized by its open and friendly environment where people genuinely invest a lot of themselves in the work they do. A family system is at play where managers play parental and/or mentor figures. There is a great deal of focus on group coordination consensus, and the organizations belief is that its greatest assets are its workers. Create (Adhocracy) Culture: Entrepreneur and Innovative skills are highly valued in this culture with focus on individual initiative and freedom. The organization thrives by being market leader by continually introducing new products or services , hence their stress upon risk-taking measures and experimentation as a unifying quality. Long-term strategies focus on growth and acquiring new resources. Control (Hierarchy) Culture: Behavior is governed by a strict set of rules and policies in this setting. Formal structures intend on maintaining dependency and low cost of their product with workers being commended on their performance, efficiency and consistency. Leaders are required to be efficiency-conscious with ultimate goals of security and predictability. Compete (Market) Culture: This culture is perhaps the most cut-throat of all with worker competitiveness and goal oriented. Leaders need to be demanding, active and most importantly productive with the common unifying goal of success. The organization is in a constant battle to increase market share and penetration by providing competitive pricing and holding the position of market leader. Long-term focus is on achieving measurable goals and targets, and building a strong reputation. It is important to understand that no one culture is better than the other. Each culture plays a critical role in an organizations success so long as it is in sync with the organizations goals. Recent studies conducted have shown that even within a single organization, there may exist multiple cultures (sub-cultures) besides the dominating one which once again should not be construed as a negative element. In fact many scholars believe the existence of sub-cultures to be a source of healthy competition and the driving force behind innovation within the industry. The understanding of organizational cultures is equally important for managers and owners not only to be aware of their employees needs but also in designing a workplace that complements such a culture. 1.3 Effects on Business The relationship between Organizational Structure and Culture is one that is not clearly distinguishable. In general, the structure is designed to exist within a particular culture , in effect, aiding the culture to run with the consistency and efficiency that would be the sign of a successful system. Thus, organizational structure is primarily concerned with the setup of the culture. Traditionally, certain cultures have been associated with certain structures and each of these setups have their benefits and disadvantages. Functional Structure + Control Culture: Since centralized decision making is prevalent here, top-management is in control of most aspects of the business. This could be beneficial if the management is highly skilled and there isnt as much competence on the lower levels of the business but could be equally disastrous if such skills are in short supply in management. As a bonus, employees have the opportunity to learn a great deal from their seniors which could help in their career paths to take on decision making positions. Since this setup fosters stability and efficiency, there is better collaboration with similar processes per group while making use of the economies of scale. The biggest disadvantage here is of lack of communication not only between the different levels of the hierarchy but also between the different departments , leading to serious conflicts. This in turn affects each individuals priority on goals which tend to be more department-focused than that of the organizat ion as a whole. Customers are usually also affected by such systems where they are passed on from department to department regarding issues they might have. Divisional Structure + Create Culture: Since the structure is one which brings together different departments and the culture one in which individuals are encouraged to think innovatively, the result is a well-functioning unit with greater opportunities to learn about the different aspects of the business. In addition to better response time to customers issues due to greater accountability, the wider span of control helps in developing managerial and executive skills. The disadvantage here is of a great deal of duplication of tasks because of the different units with all departments in it performing the same function. This also spells out a reduction in specialization as well as a great deal of in-house competition between the different divisions of the business. Matrix Structure + Compete Culture: The efficiency of this model is extremely high due to the continuous utilization of highly skilled personnel from different departments on different projects. Since these sorts of projects depend on a vast amount of technical knowledge, individuals often have the authority to make critical decisions which also exposes others to a great amount of learning potential, even in scopes of fields beyond their own. Also departmental conflict is reduced due to the regular re-shuffling between projects , rather the competition is between different teams. Unfortunately it is because of these same hasty groupings that employees can tend to get frustrated and confused about their new functions and who they now report to. Also a great deal of time is wasted in meetings to decide on the allocation of these valuable human resources. The above examples were just a few of many forms of different structures and cultures combined. It is important to note that for the specific needs of a particular business, some forms of combination of any 2 factors could serve them better than if the same set-up were used elsewhere. Numerous factors need to be taken into consideration before a decision is reached on which option is to be implemented , and it may also require the trial-testing of the different combinations practically before anything conclusive can be said in that regard. 1.4 Individual Behavior The term Organizational Behavior actually relates to the collective dominant behaviors of individuals within an organization. As such positive individual behavior would have the potential to do the following in an organization (See Fig.7 in Appendix A). The factors which distinguish a happy satisfied employee from a disgruntled unmotivated employee are highlighted in the MARS Model of Individual Behavior (McShane Von Glinow, 2008) which identifies 4 elements effecting employee performance; Motivation, Ability, Role Perception and Situational Forces (See Fig.8 in Appendix A) Motivation is the set of internal influences behind an employees voluntary actions. In the workplace Maslows hierarchy of needs describe the fundamentals that serve such actions (Maslow, 1954): Level 1 Physical: the need for air, water, food exercise, rest, freedom from diseases disabilities Level 2 Security: the need for job security, safe working conditions and overall stability Level 3 Social: the need for being loved, a sense of belonging, inclusion and workplace camaraderie Level 4 Esteem: the need for recognition, prestige and promotion Level 5 Self-Actualization: The need for autonomy, development and creativity An employees Ability are the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities that are required to successfully complete a task. This requires proper analysis of a persons core competencies and then matching them with the appropriate job. Role Perceptions refer to the beliefs held about what behavior is required to achieve the end results which include an understanding of what tasks need to be performed, their relative importance and preferred behaviors to accomplish them. Situational Factors encompass the environmental conditionals beyond an individuals short-term control that constrain or facilitate behaviors such as time, people, budget and work facilities. Types of Behavior in Organizations A significantly important aspect influencing organizational behavior is a persons Personality. Personality can be described as a set of feelings and behaviors that have been significantly formed by genetic and environmental factors and that explain a persons behavioral tendencies. Some major forces influencing personality include cultural and hereditary forces, family relationships and social class. These factors along with others, contribute towards the 5 big personality dimensions: Openness to Experience : Sensitive, Flexible Conscientiousness : Careful, Dependable Extroversion : Outgoing, Talkative Agreeableness : Courteous, Caring Neuroticism : Anxious, Hostile The importance of the study of different behavioral patterns is essential in unleashing the potential of any organization by unleashing the potential of all individuals who work therein. The Locus of Control determines the degree towards which individuals believe their behaviors influence what happens to them. Whereas Internals believe in their efforts and abilities Externals believe events are mainly due to external causes. It is the presence of such personalities spread throughout an organization which deems necessary appropriate maneuvers to maintain positive behavior in as many of its employees as possible. In addition to the benefits already discussed brought about by such behavior to organizations, an equally important aspect is that of self-efficacy and motivation. The ability to adapt ones behavior to a given situation is not only an important learning tool but a vital quality to have in your possession in order to cope with the different cultures that now exist within organi zations, while retaining ones unique identity. Furthermore the visualization of reactions to constraints posed to oneself might give them a clearer idea of the reactions of others to the same situation and possible tactics to handle it better. 1.5 Organizational Theory Organizational theories can be broadly classified as follows: Classical Organizational Theory deals with formal organization and its concepts to improve upon management efficiency. i) Taylors Scientific Management Approach (1947): This approach focused on achieving efficiency, standardization, specialization and simplification brought about by the planning of work. It also stressed on mutual respect between management workers to increase productivity by implementing measures to reduce physical emotional stress of workers, providing them with appropriate training to develop their capabilities and by eliminating the traditional boss concept. Taylor suggested 4 principles of scientific management for improved productivity: An employees work should be tackled in a scientific methodology, rather than by a rule-of-thumb. Hiring of members should be based on some analysis who are then trained, taught and developed. Management should apply a policy of cooperation rather than conflict with labors to achieve goals. Training of workers be carried out by experts using scientific methods. ii) Webers Bureaucratic Approach (1947): This approach took into consideration the organization as a segment of broader society, but was criticized for its rigidness, impersonality, unfeasible to bigger objectives and lack of initiative to improve status (Hicks and Gullett, 1975). The basis of the approach was on the following principles: Existence of hierarchy system with clear amounts of responsibility and authority defined for each position. Rules and Regulations should govern the behavior of organizations to maintain predictability and stability. Hiring and selection of employees should be impartial. Designations and not people should be delegated responsibility and authority to maintain democracy. iii) Fayols Administrative Theory (1949): This theory relates to the accomplishment of tasks and touches on management principles functions and concepts of line, staff committees. Productivity of technical and managerial work can be improved by dividing and/or specialization of the work. Authority and due responsibility are essential in achieving organizational objectives. Being answerable to and taking orders from a single supervisor would be most efficient in unity of command. All members of the organization should have a common goal to provide them with direction. Organizations interests should be given priority over individual and/or group interests. Measures to retain employees by several methods (e.g. time incentives, bonuses, profit-sharing, etc.) Management should utilize a blended system of both centralized decentralized decision making. Members on the same level of hierarchy should work together to accomplish work (Scalar chain). The organization should try to establish equity, fairness and justice. Employees should be given time to settle into their work and be assured of the security of their jobs. Members should be encouraged to show initiative. Measures to strengthen unity and allegiance should be practiced which would yield better performance. Concept of line and staff holds equally as important in organizations as anywhere else. Members from different departments at same hierarchal level can form committees around common goals. Functions of management include planning, organizing, training, commanding and coordinating functions (Fayol, 1949) as well as staffing, directing, reporting and budgeting (Gulick Urwick, 1937). Neoclassical Theory shed light upon the importance of individual group behavior and good social relations between all hierarchal levels to improve productivity as a result of high-morale brought about by such measures (Roethlisberger and Dickson, 1943). The neoclassical approach was based on the following principles: All members of an organization should be treated with the respect that a human deserves rather than be classified as a tool and as such requires fulfillment beyond economic and security factors. The approach highlighted informal groups at work within the formal organization and its importance. Workers should be allowed opportunities in decision making processes that would allow for a new and more effective form of management besides increasing productivity. Modern Theories define an organization as a designed and structured process in which individuals interact for objectives (Hicks and Gullet, 1975). The theories can be broadly classified as follows: i) The Systems Approach: This takes on the view that organizations are composed of systems and sub-systems which are mutually dependent on each other and may be composed of some components, functions and processes (Albrecht, 1983). So the organization has 3 basic elements (Bakke, 1959): 1. Components; that include the individual, formal and informal organization, patterns of behavior emerging from role demands of the organization, role comprehension of the individual, and the physical environment in which individuals work. 2. Linking processes; like communication, balance and decision making between the different components to operate in an organized and correlated manner. 3. Organizational Goals; like growth, stability and interaction between all members of the organization. ii) Socio-Technical Approach: This considers an equilibrium between people (the social system), techniques knowledge (the technical system) and consumers (the external environment) to be of great significance in determining the organizations effectiveness (Pasmore, 1988). iii) The Contingency or Situational Approach: The situational approach takes into account that as organizations are highly dependent of their external environments, there can be no universal guideline suited for all situations (Selznick, 1949; Burns and Stalker, 1961; Woodward, 1965; Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967). The contingency approach suggests that social, legal, political, technical and economic factors need to be taken into consideration before determining an organizations relations to different environments (Hellriegel and Slocum, 1973).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Exploring Race and Challenging Privilege Essay -- Personal Narrative R

Exploring Race and Challenging Privilege I thought I understood racism well enough. Since early childhood I’ve learned from parents and teachers that racism is a sense of racial superiority, a way of making judgments about people based on their skin color before you get to know them, and a cause of hate crimes and foul language. I think I’m not racist, and as a white woman I’m not likely to be the victim of racism, so I usually think racism has nothing to do with my life. But I’m uncomfortable with the idea of race because what I’ve learned about race is contradictory. I’m taught that people of different races are equal, but I see that they live separately. I’m told that they should get along, but the past and the present reveal that they don’t. I’m a product of political correctness that at best gives me a list of things not to say, and at worst makes me want to pretend that race doesn’t exist, but that does not give me a thorough understanding of how to think about race or how to see my role in a society in which race matters. Kozol, Tatum, and Delpit made me confront my discomfort and guided me through the thorny terrain of thinking about race. They’ve made me think more about my own identity as part of racial and socio-economic groups. They’ve given me some tools that seem more effective than rhetoric about equality to help me to recognize and overcome prejudices that I’ve always pretended I didn’t have. They’ve taught me that racism and classism are not evident only in isolated discriminatory acts, but that they pervade American institutions, including the one upon which our hopes of creating a truly equal society most firmly rests, public education. They’ve made me aware of the effects of white privilege and e... ...a firm understanding of racial dynamics in my classroom and know what I want to teach my students about race and how to go about that so that I don’t accidentally teach them the wrong things. As an active tax-paying citizen, I want to support tax reform that will equalize the disparities in public education and other public institutions that should serve all Americans. As an individual, I search myself for biases, try to be aware of the way others perceive me, and make it a goal to take risks to breach gaps between racial and class groups. This commitment to open learning should help me through the many processes that remain – as I try to develop my stance on other thorny issues like affirmative action, as I form new relationships with people, and as I acknowledge my starting place as a white woman in racist America when I make choices about how to lead my life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Diary Of A Survivor: Literary Analysis :: essays research papers

Title: Diary of A Survivor: Nineteen Years in a Cuban Women’s Prison Authors: Ana Rodriguez and Glenn Garvin Published: St. Martin’s Press Type of Book: Assisted auto-biography Plot Summary Diary of a Survivor follows nineteen years of Ana Rodriguez’s life, a Cuban woman arrested by Cuba’s ‘State Security’ in her late teens. As a teenager she had been an activist against the Batista dictatorship which governed Cuba, and at first welcomed Fidel Castro’s take-over of power. Gradually, however, she realises that Castro has no intention of leading Cuba democratically and joins the fight against him. She is betrayed to the authorities by an informant, is arrested, tried and convicted, and is sentenced to thirty years in prison. Diary of a Survivor tells of Ana Rodriguez’s continuous resistance against political intimidation that eventually ‘breaks’ her captors rather than them ‘breaking’ her. This strong will and courage earns her legendary among fellow political prisoners and civilians as a ‘plantada’; one who cannot be broken. Themes/ Thematic Statements The ill-effects of communism/ dictatorships on a society is explored through the entire book as it was a constant part of Ana’s life, in fact it is what caused her imprisonment. Human rights abuses in Cuba and in communist countries in general Cuba’s corrupt government hierarchy and legal system also feature throughout the books, like the continual rapes and beatings the prisoners face. People who betray one group of people will end up betraying anyone they come into contact with. This is shown in Isis Nimo, the spy who initially gets Ana sent to prison but eventually gets fired from all her government jobs because of her untrustworthiness. Racism can work in reverse but still produce adverse effects. There are two mentions of black political prisoners (most are white). They are considered unusual because Fidel Castro’s regime was meant to favourable to black people in general. Even people who are said to have firmly set ideas can have doubts, like the ‘hard-line communist soldiers’ who do not join in when the women are being attacked and the guards that in one particular incident slip the starved prisoners food. The pros and cons of the chivalrous Cuban idea that women are considered good and passive, and therefore only the most offensive women criminals are jailed in Cuba, and the disregard of it by some officials. This is touched on whenever there is contact with the common prisoners, and in an especially disturbing scene where a group of female common prisoners are let into a cell where a young girl is held as a ‘traitor’ to the Fidel Castro regime.

Essay --

First Amendment Rights During War Considering that the 1st Amendment of the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, can and should government regulate hate speech, or seek to address the harm it causes? Based on a premise that there is no such a thing as absolute right or absolute freedom, we can infer that a government can and should regulate any speech and seek to address the harm it causes; but the real issue is -- where, when, and how can it be regulated? Trying to balance both, freedom of speech and the fear of an inflammatory press report, the Supreme Court has produced probably the most famous legalistic test -- "clear and present danger." The underlying idea is that bureaucrats cannot punish a speaker/writer unless he/she creates a "clear and present danger" to others. Theoretically, this standard appears to be supportive of the right to speak freely. However, in practice, it is difficult to determine â€Å"when† the danger was "clear" enough for an "avera ge" reporter, how remote it could be and yet still be considered "present," and how precisely hazardous the "danger" should be to justify suppression of a speech. In addition to speech, the 1st Amendment protects writing, demonstrating, parading, leafleting, and certain forms of symbolic expression. The freedom of speech becomes a subject to "reasonable time, manner, and place" regulations, as long as these regulations are "content-neutral." Translating this legalistic jargon in plain English, the bureaucrats cannot restrict the content of what the speaker has to say, but it is their prerogative to reason what "reasonable" time, manner, and place are. And we know how they usually define what "reasonable" is (for them, of course). Brandenburg vs. Ohio In Brandenbu... ...otential attackers across a wider geographic area." Such a flat-out conclusion -- about 180 degrees from the trumpeted rationale for spending billions in Afghanistan -- might seem to merit more than a few dozen words. The assessment, while prominent, was brief and fleeting. It seemed to cause little stir in American news media. So, actually, First Amendment is not really a guarantee. It's a promissory ideal that can be redeemed only by media vitality in the present. If freedom of speech can be augmented by freedom to be heard, then Americans may hear enough divergent voices to disabuse themselves of easy and deadly clichà ©s. References 1) Norman Solomon’s book "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media" 2) Schenck Case retrieved from on 23/04/2003 3) Cases Incorporated: Schenck v. U.S., Brandenburg Vs. Ohio and U.S. v. O’Brien.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The researchers built their study

The research article by Suniya Luthar, Karen Shoum and Pamela Brown (2006) entitled â€Å"Extracurricular involvement among affluent youth: A scapegoat for ubiquitous achievement pressures† attempted to determine the extracurricular involvement of high status secondary students and how this affected their academic performance and whether it was directly the source of the pressure to achieve.The researchers built their study on the notion that children from affluent communities are overscheduled and have too many things to accomplish at a given day because it is expected by their parents.They said that children’s involvement in extracurricular activities are imposed by their parents and thus places undue stress and pressure for the student to succeed and achieve. Although, some researchers had found evidence to support the assumption that involvement in extracurricular activities improved academic performance as groups, clubs and teams provide opportunities for healthy c ompetition fostering the need to achieve as a desirable motive for subsequent endeavors.Moreover, the researchers mainly focused their attention to affluent children or students who come from affluent families because they are more likely to be pressured by their parents to succeed. At the same time, affluent students have more chances of cultivating their interests in extracurricular activities because they have the resources to do so.  The authors defined extracurricular involvement as the degree to which students participate in activities that are not directly associated to their academic performance and has no bearing on their academic grades and is conducted outside of regular school hours with the presence of a coach or trainer. Extracurricular involvement was measured in terms of four broad categories; sports, arts, academics and civic.The researchers hypothesized that upper class students are overscheduled and thus have more adjustment issues, however, they were more incli ned to believe that hours spent in extracurricular activities are not to blame but the family processes that are related to academic achievement are the cause. The family processes include parent’s emphasis on achievement; parental criticism, high achievement expectations and values that promoted getting ahead of others, lack of adult supervision after school and how often children ate dinner with parents.The methods used to test the hypothesis of the researchers were varied; they used self-report questionnaires to obtain information on maladjustment indicators such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse, while they used school grades and teacher rating behavior to measure academic performance and behavior.The researchers also used a two dimensional framework in assessing their research outcomes, examining extracurricular activities and involvement per se, and how extracurricular activities competed with the measured family outcomes.The results of the study indicated tha t there were minimal links between extracurricular activities and pressure leading to adjustment problems. The researchers found that there is a weak relationship in the time spent in sports, academic, arts and civic activities to that of behavioral maladjustments and competence.The researchers however found evidence that supported the hypothesis that parental expectations were more detrimental to the student’s adjustment. It was found that parental criticism and lack of adult supervision had a more negative effect to student behavior than other variables.