Monday, September 30, 2019

Accounting Information Systems Simulation Paper Essay

Internal controls are all measures taken by an organization for the purposes of protecting its resources against waste, fraud, or inefficient use; ensuring the reliability of accounting data; securing compliance with management policies; and evaluating the performance of all employees, managers and departments within the organization. The accounting system depends upon internal control procedures to ensure the reliability of accounting data. Many internal control procedures on the other hand make use of accounting data in keeping track of assets and monitoring the performance of departments. Internal control is looked upon more and more as a solution to a variety of potential problems. The effectiveness and efficiency of operations as a technique relates to performance and profitability goals and safeguarding of resources. The Accounting Information System Simulation made me realize that there is an advantage having one person control multiple activities. The disadvantage of having the same person performing multiple activities is having in a process increases if one person has the opportunity to control more then one step of the process. This risk is even more if the person controls consecutive steps because there is no intermediary to check that the steps are not manipulated for personal gains. The separation of duties activity aims to minimize risk by separating the steps of a process in such a way that different person are recording transactions, authorizing them and maintaining custody of assets. See more: Sleep Deprivation Problem Solution Speech Essay The line draws when it comes down to what I thin is right for a company. The simulation solution was that access cards were the best solution. In the stimulation I chose to have the hand clock in machine. Having employees clocking in through the hand machine may be degrading to employees, but at the same time make sure that employees do not have other employees clocking in for them. Some of those hand clocks in machines have little cameras that take a picture every time an employee clocks in or out. Prioritization will affect Ramos International expected loss over the year if the right decision is not made. In the stimulation the effects that I chose were good but not right. The order should follow as secure cash, building, and computer network which will result in the least loss over the year.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Buddhism- a Religion or a Philosophy?

Albert Einstein believed that, â€Å"the religion of the future will be a cosmic religion that should transcend a personal god and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both natural and spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual and a meaningful unity† (Jammer, 1999). Buddhism qualifies as a religion depending on one’s point of view. If religion is defined as a system of worship or devotion to a higher deity then Buddhism does not fall under the religious category (Buddha Dharma Education Association, 2012).However, if religion is defined as a system of beliefs and rituals and morals then Buddhism classifies as a religious practice (Harshorne, 1996). The aspects of religion that include rituals and devotions are the very key aspects of the human experience. Although occupying the same socio-psychological space as other religions, they do not all necessarily share similar characteristics (Molloy, p5, 2010). Western scholars and religious thinkers often refer to Buddhism as an atheist or nontheistic religious practice (Florida, 1990).Despite apparent contradictions between Buddhism and theistic religions there are many elements of commonality. This paper supports Albert Einstein’s claim on religion through exploring Buddhism as a contemporary religion relevant to reality in relation to science, while considering the similarities shared by Buddhism and traditional religions such as Christianity. Why does it matter if we consider something a religion or not? There are Buddhists who speak confidently on â€Å"Panel discussions† stating that if using the word religion becomes a problem then they will not use it (Los Angeles Interreligious Group, 1991).Buddhism shows no concern over whether or not it qualifies as a religion, as it is a matter of belief from within and not what people think of it. Smith, a religion historian states in his works that â€Å"beliefs are not primary to religion; faith is† (Florida, 1990) which reflects Buddhism’s emphasis on the importance of karma and leading a morally-based life. Smith also strongly believes that theistic religions invented the idea of god based on humanities â€Å"ignorance, weakness, fear, and desire†(Florida, 1990).Michael Stone is a psychotherapist and a Buddhist teacher who shares Albert Einstein’s view on religion. Michael attempts to incorporate traditional Buddhist teachings with today’s psychological and philosophical understanding (Stone, 2012). Science has created an abundance of contradictory views in traditional religious teachings that Buddhism stands out as a religion which accommodates scientific evidence (The Dalai Lama centre, 2012). Religion’s importance today has come into question when analyzed through the eyes of society’s logical mind.The Dalai Lama claims that â€Å"if modern science presents good evidence that a Buddhist idea i s wrong, I will accept the modern science, (he gives the example of the Earth moving around the sun, which runs counter to Buddhist scripture)† (The Dalai Lama Centre, 2012). Science has therefore made many questionable beliefs come to reality through trial and error research that many base their beliefs on evidence (Molloy, p179, 2010). Buddhism: The Buddhist religion entails a sense of sacredness with one’s self in relation to the environment and the universe. All religions are concerned with the deepest level of reality and for most religions the core or origin of everything is sacred and mysterious† (Molloy, p7, 2010). The â€Å"Three Marks of Reality† encompasses the embedded truth in Buddhist theology which reinforces the belief in having no god but rather finding the god within (Molloy, p132, 2010). Sacredness in religion refers to a dedicated practice to a religious purpose not the belief in a mystical figure who controls life as we know it.Sacredne ss is an interesting place of experience, and since there is a common misconception about Buddhism, the Dharma equips one to make a conciliatory meeting with whomever. The Dharma is part of the Three Jewels of Buddhism since it covers Buddhist teachings in â€Å"how to view the world and how to live properly† (Molloy, p131, 2010). The Dharma accommodates a variety of other views and appreciates those views for what they are. The emergence of Buddhism was based on the spread of Siddhartha’s teachings who was the oblivious son of a powerful king.The main components of Buddhist belief are: â€Å"karma, compassion and reincarnation†, which were conceptualized as a result of Siddhartha’s sudden exposure to reality’s misfortunes (Molloy, p128, 2010). These features influenced followers to adopt a peaceful and moral journey through life if they seek a blissful reincarnated-self (Molloy, 2010). Having experienced the â€Å"four passing sights† which involves living with nothing but oneself, Siddhartha began his journey towards becoming a world teacher (Molloy, p128, 2010).He practiced â€Å"The Four Noble Truths† which are the â€Å"truths about life, that suffering exists, it has a cause, it has an end and there is a way to attain release from suffering† (Molloy, p143, 2010). In Buddhist literature it is believed that worshipping a higher deity disregards the notion of â€Å"karmic results of action† which they strongly believe in (Thera, 2012). Similarities of traditional religions (Christianity): Religion â€Å"suggests the joining of our natural, human world to the sacred world† (Molloy, p5, 2010).Buddhism revolves around the life and lessons of Buddha, and Christianity revolves around the life and lessons of Jesus Christ, who are the two prophets present in both fields of practice (Los Angeles Interreligious Group, 1991). Both prophets followed the same strategy to uncover the worldly truths as they â€Å"stayed in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights’ facing evil, â€Å"Jesus by Satan and Buddha by the demon Mara and his daughters† (Los Angeles Interreligious Group, 1991). As the holiness’ representatives, both religions have a centralized authority figure such as the Pope and the Dalai Lama to carry on the teachings of God and Buddha on a global scale (Molloy, p391, 2010). Similarities in both Christians and Buddhists theological practice reflect the fact that despite the difference in beliefs in a deity the foundations share some common ethics. Buddhism’s conception of reality refers to the basics of â€Å"The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path† that can be applied to the Ten Christian Commandments (Molloy, p136, 2010).The Ten Commandments represent God’s rules of behavior Christians are expected to follow (Betty, 2008). The early stage of Buddhism was initially rejected as a religion by westerners. However lat er on, western scholars considered â€Å"Buddhist concepts of nirvana and dharma as parallels to the Western notion of divinity or God† and they refuted it (Florida, 1990). The manifestation of Buddhist characteristics attributed to God’s existence in theistic religions is partly based on Buddhism’s perspective on reality and needing no god to control their way of life (Betty, 2008).Yet religious symbolism has been an important feature of all religions, including Buddhism and Christianity. The Christians pray to Jesus in churches while Buddhists pray to Buddha in monasteries. According to Molloy, â€Å"religious symbols, myths, and terminology at times suggest a universal language that all religions speak† (Molloy, p9, 2010). The differences: While both are classified as a religion, a prominent difference and focus of many arguments surrounds the notion of Buddhism’s lack of deity to worship.Any forms of God-like elements in Buddhism are seen as ma nifestations of a specific physical form (Betty, 2008). Gods in Buddhism are essentially considered manifestations of distinct physical elements and mediums from which Buddhists can contribute their physical energies toward enlightenment, which is a state of spiritual understanding (Hartshorne, 1996). Buddhism does not place great importance on having a higher divinity because they don’t think it will have an impact or even make a difference when practicing their values (Hartshorne, 1996).According to Stafford, â€Å"Buddhism and Christianity have much to teach each other about Ultimate Reality—God or Buddha Nature† (Stafford, 2008). Buddhism is considered a â€Å"psychological religion† as it provides the tools within a person to attain full-fledged happiness internally rather than externally (Thera, 2012). Whereas Christianity is a religion of doctrines where the institution of the church controls Christian practices on life (Molloy, p391, 2010). Theref ore the ideas of ultimate reality differ greatly as both religions expect different outcomes from their practices.One focuses on what God expects while the other does not place any expectations other than attempting to reach personal happiness. The difference in guidance received by both Buddhist and Christian followers provides an understanding as to why Buddhism may not be considered a religion by some theist believers. Christianity stresses on the importance of human action based on God’s cosmic plan to impose good morals into society to fight between the good and evils life bestows (Molloy, p15, 2010). Buddhism on the other hand focuses on personal karma to justify the good reasons behind following a morally-based lifestyle.Pope John Paul II upset Buddhists when he stated that â€Å"Buddhism is an ‘‘atheistic’’ system and that ‘‘the doctrines of salvation in Buddhism and Christianity are opposed’’ (Stafford, 2008). The Pope’s words made it clear that he believes the rejection of a dogma in Buddhism raises a lot of questions in the sphere of religion when it comes to the nature of Buddha. Agreeably, â€Å"Christians have faith in God while Buddhists have faith in something other than God- emptiness, perhaps† (Florida, 1990).Since Buddhism and Christianity address â€Å"the relationship of ultimate- God or emptiness† as major opposing elements (Florida, 1990), Florida poses an interesting question regarding Christianity that â€Å"if ultimate reality is Emptiness, is the Christian forced to choose between identifying God with Emptiness and denying God altogether? ’ (Florida, 1990). This statement supports Christianity’s set requirements for fulfilling one's â€Å"obligations† with no room for personal opinion to God whereas Buddhism allows a progressive growth from within, with the world around in tune with one’s personal opinion (Silva, 2011).The pr ogressiveness of Buddhism suggests that there are no implications on what one should and can believe in, in pursuit of sacredness. Sacredness can either be defined as the emptiness attained in Buddhism when enlightened or â€Å"speak of the sacred as what people hold to be sacred† in Christianity (Florida, 1990) (Molloy, p 14, 2010). The holy books are another way to identify the difference in what is considered as guidelines or expected practices for both religions as they are not used for the same reasons.In Buddhism, there are many kinds of holy books known as the Sutras. Buddhists Sanskrit, serve as a guideline to a deep reality beyond â€Å"the reach of ordinary cognition and senses† (Thera, 2012). Buddhism believes in personal reason while Christians follow religious authority (Molloy, p19, 2010). Therefore, the Bible reveals the words of God that â€Å"cannot be questioned and are a compilation of claims about the physical or spiritual worlds to be accepted on faith† (Birnbaum, 2009). Can a religion both be atheistic and a religion?While attempting to understand what the topic of religion consists of, one must consider the fact that the term ‘religion’ was developed in the western culture thus representing their traditional idea of what is meant by religion. The western perception of religion â€Å"may not be entirely appropriate when applied across cultures or spiritual paths† (Molloy, p5, 2010). In â€Å"Going Beyond God,† Armstrong argues that many Westerners define â€Å"religion† much too narrowly because they use the Abrahamic religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — and belief in the God of monotheism as the â€Å"standard† of what defines religion (Vincent, 2012).In a book called â€Å"One of Faith and Belief† Smith notes that â€Å"the world's religious systems . . . are not all variations on a theme; they do not give differing answers to the same question s, they do not operate in a common mode† (Smith, 1979). Therefore it is needless to say that contemporary ideologies about religion are no longer strictly based on teachings that cannot be challenged. â€Å"Whether we should go on or not to call it faith in God, depends directly on what we think of the universe not on what be thought of it† (Florida, 1990).New scientific interrelations with religions such as Buddhism, will formulate a new branch that is â€Å"both spiritual and scientific† which would be suited for contemporary society logicality (O’Brien, 2009). Religion â€Å"suggests the joining of our natural, human world to the sacred world† whatever that may be for anyone (Molloy, p5, 2010). Therefore, why should believing in a divinity improve the humanity-focused problems experienced in religion? Conclusion: If Dharma was assimilated into our culture as a daily practice and was not represented by the word â€Å"Buddhism† the world wou ld be a happier place.If children had to focus on their attention in early childhood education to learn to look at their mind, to regulate their emotions, to be trained in that way then having the name â€Å"Buddhism† to represent the practice would not matter (Los Angeles Interreligious Group, 1991). If you try to categorize Dharma or Buddhist teachings it is really challenging, because it is a combination of a science, a religion, a philosophy or psychology. Buddhism can be seen as a religion which focuses on a way of life that allows the adoption of teachings in any other religion appropriate to one’s life journey (Molloy, 2010).Having drawn attention to the distinct similarities and differences both Christianity and Buddhism share this helps us develop an understanding of the dynamics present in both religions. Based on these comparisons it is clear to say that despite the differences, â€Å"Buddhist thinkers are less intent on systematizing† Buddhist though t into theories of ethical action, and â€Å"are more interested in examining particular Buddhist views on what it means to be a moral subject† (Heim, 2011). Based on my personal observations, if you go to any Asian country where Buddhism is practiced it is clear to say that the followers have very religious behaviors.All in all, Buddhists practice with one goal in mind, to end suffering. Therefore the idea of a higher deity seems senseless if it does not have a direct impact as to aid moralistically. â€Å"Answering a question such as, do you believe in a god, a Buddhist may answer â€Å"is answering that question either way, going to make me less or more sad†Ã¢â‚¬  (Los Angeles Interreligious Group, 1991). Bibliography: Betty, L. (2008). What Buddhists and Christians are teaching each other about God. Cross Currents. 58(1), 108-116. Buddha Dharma Education Association (2012). Morality. Fundamentals Of Buddhism. A BuddhaNet Production.Retrieved from http://www. budd hanet. net/fundbud6. htm Birnbaum, R. (2009). In search of an authentic engaged Buddhism: voices from ancient texts, calls from the modern world. Religion East & West, (9), 25-39. Florida, R. E. (1990). Theism and Atheism in the Work of W. C. Smith: A Buddhist Case Study. Buddhist-Christian Studies. University of Hawai’i. Vol. 10, pp. 255-262 retrieved from http://www. jstor. org/stable/1390212 . Hartshorne, C. (1996). Buddhism and the theistic question. In Buddhism and the emerging world civilization (pp. 62-72). Carbondale, Ill: Southern Illinois Univ Pr.Heim, M. (2011). Buddhist ethics: a review essay. Journal Of Religious Ethics. 39(3), 571-584. Jammer, M. (1999). Einstein and Religion. Publish by Princeton University Press. Retrieved from http://press. princeton. edu/chapters/s6681. pdf Los Angeles Interreligious Group (1991). An Early Journey. Buddhist-Catholic Dialogue. Retrieved from http://monasticdialog. com/a. php? id=334 Molloy, M. (2010). Experiencing the Worldâ €™s Religions. Tradition, Challenge, and Change. McGraw Hill. Fifth ed. O’Brien, B. (2009). Why Buddhism Is a Religion, and Why It Matters. Religion and Spirituality.Retrieved from About. com Tablan, F. E. (2011). Towards a Buddhist-Catholic interreligious encounter: a Southeast Asian perspective. Studies In Interreligious Dialogue. 21(2), p188-210. The Dalai Lama Centre (2012). â€Å"Happy Night in Canada: The Dalai Lama and Leading Scientists Search for Happiness†. For Peace and Education. Retrieved from http://dalailamacenter. org/learn/â€Å"happy-night-canada-dalai-lama-and-leading-scientists-search-happiness† Thera, N. (2012). Buddhism and the God-idea. BuddhaNet edition. Retrieved from http://www. accesstoinsight. org/lib/authors/nyanaponika/godidea. htmlStone, S. M. (2012). About. Centre of Gravity. Retrieved from http://www. centreofgravity. org/m_stone/ Silva. D. L. (2011). Radical Therapy. Buddhist Precepts in the Modern World. Retrieved from http ://www. accesstoinsight. org/lib/authors/desilva/bl123. html Smith,W. C. (1979). Faith and Belief: The Difference Between Them. Princeton N, J. Princeton University Press. Retrieved from http://www. amazon. ca/Faith-Belief-Difference-Between-Them/dp/1851681655 Vincent, H. (2012). Christian Buddhism?. Buddhist Geeks. Retrieved from http://www. buddhistgeeks. com/2010/08/christian-buddhism/

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Billy Elliot the Musical and Father

Some obstacles the characters face are self-belief, a father’s expectations and being an individual. This essay will discuss these challenges and how a person overcomes them to journey into the world with the use of quotes, film and language techniques. Self-belief is a factor that makes a person stronger. Without it they may not reach their goals. In the scene of Billy Elliot where Billy dances in front of his father, the audience sees that this is the first time that Billy genuinely believes in himself. The non-diegetic music is loud and energetic. This represents the fact that Billy has built enough self-confidence to stand up for himself. A close-up is used on Billy’s face when he starts to dance. This technique is used to emphasise the expression of confidence and self-belief on his face. It shows his emotion and how he isn’t afraid to do what he wants. There is also a close up on the father’s face that seems to be stunned while watching Billy. After Billy finishes dancing, his father runs to Mrs Wilkinson’s house because that is when he realised that his son really has talent. In the quote â€Å"If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,† from the poem ‘If’ the father is telling his son to have faith in himself when others don’t. In the movie, if Billy had not stood up for himself, his father wouldn’t have thought to let him go to the ballet school. The self-belief Billy had led him to success in the future. Expectations can put a lot of pressure on a child. In society, boys were expected to play manly sports like boxing, and girls to learn ballet. In the scene where Billy falls to an opponent at boxing his coach yells â€Å"Jesus Christ, Billy Elliot! You’re a disgrace to them gloves, your father, and the traditions of this boxing hall! † A high angle shot over Billy when he is on the ground is used to show he is weak and powerless in this situation. This technique develops the feeling that elder men in society had more control. There is also a mid-shot of Billy’s father sitting in the grand-stands looking exasperated after Billy falls. It shows the audience the father does not feel Billy is living up to his expectations. From the poem, the quote â€Å"which is more – you’ll be a Man my son! shows the audience the father ultimately expects his son to be a man. The word ‘man’ is written with a capital letter to emphasise this point. Though Billy held back doing from ballet, he still become a man and everyone soon supported his decision. To be an individual is what a young child seeks to be. It was normal in the community for boys to do manly sports such as boxing, and girls to learn b allet. When Billy’s father finds out that he has been secretly going to ballet lessons he says â€Å"All right for your Nana, for girls. No, not for lads, Billy. Lads do football, or boxing, or wrestling. Not friggin’ ballet. † What Billy really wants to do is not accepted for boys in the society. The quote â€Å"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,† from the poem, the father is now telling his son not to be influenced by those around him and to keep his honour and morals. By having his own way and not allowing others to influence, the son will be an individual. In the scene where Billy dances with Mrs Wilkinson to the song ‘I Like to Boogie’, Mrs Wilkinson helps Billy be his own person by letting him dance the way he wants and not preventing him from doing anything. The technique of contrasting is used with Billy’s and Mrs Wilkinson’s clothing. In the boxing hall Billy is wearing white and pink which stands out from the walls. Mrs Wilkinson wears a dull, blue colour which makes her blend into the background. This technique shows that Mrs Wilkinson is a hidden support for Billy. She is helping Billy reach his goal because she never had the chance to shine. A tracking shot is used on the both when they dance in the hall. It shows the dynamic movement between them. This technique also displays the freedom Billy has to move in the hall. In conclusion, individuals must overcome each obstacle and challenge in order to grow up and journey into the world. This has been shown through the film ‘Billy Elliot’ by Stephen Daldry and the poem ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling. With the use of techniques and quotes, this essay has shown how the main characters encountered the challenges of self-belief, a father’s expectations and trying to be an individual.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Accounting principles utilized in UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting principles utilized in UAE - Essay Example Accounting without doubt plays a critical role in the modern world.Accounting rules are prevalent and vary from region to region.In the modern commerce work, financial reporting has become the focal point has growth in commerce continues to skyrocket internationally One cannot ignore the fact that numerous factors such as social, economic and legal differences account for different standards that are vary across nations. However, there is a strong push towards a uniformed system of accounting methods in order to facilitate transactions and comparability of financial statement. A uniform system of accounting strives to harmonize and enhance comparability of accounting principles (Lin, Z.J. and Liyan, W). International Accounting Standards is a set of accounting methods that contains numerous governing sectors. The main body is known as IASB, which puts down the guidelines for the regulations that are enforced through the IAS. While the United States operates under the GAAP, UAE choose s to follow a different path relating to accounting methods (Epstein, B.J. and Mirza). GAAP is comprised of set of rules that accountants create and vary from nation to nation (Epstein, B.J. and Mirza). On the other hand, The Central Bank of UAE chooses to follow the International Accounting standards or (IAS) to accommodate its needs for finances. The economic model of UAE greatly differs from the US system; therefore, it is essential that UAE utilize a system that accommodates their need in commerce, trade, and revenue. The IAS is not only used in UAE but is also widespread in other Middle Eastern countries. In fact, the Arab Society of Certified Accountants, which is composed of 22 nations, signed a petition which made IAS as the uniform method of standard for all the member countries. This point could be further elaborated as the head chairman of the counsel stated â€Å"We are confident, that IASC standards will enhance the economic strength of a region that has significant co mmercial and industrial sectors† (Sale 29). Surprisingly enough, the popularity of IAS extends far beyond Arab countries as even Australia has begun to implement the IAS regulations. Canada, is also considering adopting the IAS standards along with former Soviet Union countries such as Moldova and Kazakhstan. In essence, the influence of IAS is reaching nationwide as London, Frankfurt, Zurich, Luxembourg, Thailand, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Rome, and Malaysia are all considering implementing the IAS standards in their everyday accounting. Without a doubt, the IAS seems to be a better fit for UAE for several reasons. One of the key elements that UAE should continue to practice IAS standards is due to fact that IAS is a uniform standard that strives to harmonize accounting methods. Clearly, UAE is becoming a â€Å"Makkah† for commerce and investors should be able to compare financial statements without the hassle of acknowledging which standards each nation is using (Kit 33). As corporations benefit from this uniform method of not having to create different financial statements for different standards, they can divert their attention to more important aspects such as reducing costs and being innovative in their business. As mentioned above, many other nations are following the IAS standards; so why choose a different type of method when other nations are implementing the same standards? The main goal of the IAS is to formulate a standard that is globalized and to propagate their acceptance throughout the globe. Furthermore, the IAS is more diverse and better organized than any other international organizations. The IAS continues to enforce strict regulation as it sets statutory guidelines on framework for preparation and presentation. Moreover, the IASC has guidelines for issues that dominate the commerce world such as inventory, depreciations, earning per share, reporting loss and revenue, interest expense, consolidation, intangible assets, and other f inancial instruments. Undeniably,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

General Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

General Management - Essay Example General Management General management is a specialized field of business management. The origin of this field can be traced back centuries ago when landowning entailed management of property and slaves. While technologies evolved, general management’s scope also became sophisticated and broad. Colley et al. define general management as a discipline that basically focuses on overseeing the modern corporation’s status based on the concept of â€Å"profit-and-loss† (P&L) (3). General Managers see to it that the company gains profit more than what the company is spending. In other words, general management involves various concepts and ideas in ensuring that a business survives and does not undergo bankruptcy. General management entails leadership skills because it allows managing employees- from managers to employees to projects and to customers. Hence, general management involves enhancing responsibility and communication abilities in order to deal with people. In big corporations, the chief executive officer is automatically the general manager, while subsequent divisions of the company may have their own general manager, usually using the title â€Å"business unit manager, division manager, managing partner,† among others (Colley et al. 4). General management tasks are basically involving sound and strong leadership abilities. These leadership skills entail identifying the company’s goals and objectives, achieving those goals, and being in-charge of the results of the set goals and objectives (â€Å"General Management† par. 2). As a Course High school graduates may find general management as a course interesting because aside from the acquisition of corporate knowledge and skills, the opportunities that await are, to some extent, realizations of one’s corporate dreams. Moreover, college graduates who want to pursue an MBA may want to specialize in General Management, as well. Topics that are usually covered in Ge neral Management include strategic management, organizational change and behavior, marketing strategies, approaches in problem-solving, theories in general management and accounting, and how to use communication strategies in leadership and conflict resolution. Conflict management is a vital concept in general management because it involves handling problems that arise within your management stint. Under General Management, there are answers to the causes of conflict in an organization, such as individual personality differences, communication problems, structure of the organization, organizational culture, among such things (Wall and Callister 518). I chose General Management as a major amidst the proliferation of management courses, because it means enhancing my leadership skills in order to guide people in achieving goals and objectives, aligned with mine. It gives me a general picture of the structure of an organization, the people involved in the business undertakings and their role, and handling organizational problems, failures, and lapses. It prepares me to be the best CEO in the future. The jobs that await General Management graduates include: Purchasing Manager Production Manager Marketing Manager Sales Manager Finance Manager Manufacturing Manager Chief

Citizenship and Human rights in Australia Essay

Citizenship and Human rights in Australia - Essay Example (Freckelton, 1991) The colonial masters imposed a police force amongst the Australians in the year 1834. The force was poorly received because most people thought they were inefficient and that they were performing duties which should be exclusive only to the military. Fifteen years later, an ordinance for the Police was passed and Police responsibilities and powers were laid out. Chain of command and powers of its members was clarified in the year 1861. This was closely followed by the Police Act of 1892. Some elements of this Act are still in force today. (Lewis, 1999) During the 1970s and 60s, there were cases of people engaging in demonstrations from all parts of the world. (Australian Law Reform Commission, 1978) Most of these images became quite disturbing when they depicted police conducting themselves in an inappropriate manner. Similarly, within the country, there were some accusations against police with claims that some of them were engaging in corrupt acts. (Wood, 1997) This necessitated a sort of measure to correct these insufficiencies. However, one should not make the assumptions that the entire police force was corrupt at that time. There were a few cases that were tainting the image of the entire force. One of the major efforts that were directed towards curbing these malpractices was through the formation of the Australian Law Reform Commission. It was formed in the year 1975. The Commission was supposed to deal with the latter mentioned cases as required by Federal Law. However, this commission was replaced by other bodies that were similar in function but different in name due to loss of power by the federal government. In 1982, there was the Police Integrity Commission. The purpose of this group was to ensure that there is equality in the enforcement of law within the country. (Australian Law Reform Commission, 1975) Currently in Queensland, power has been placed in the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Science of Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Science of Nutrition - Essay Example Describe the processes involved in cellular protein synthesis. How would synthesis be affected by intake of an otherwise adequate diet that is very low in glycine or low in tryptophan How would synthesis be affected by a diet that is low in energy Proteins are widely used in cells to provide different functions such as providing structural support for cells or to act as enzymes to catalyze certain reactions. Since the beginning of evolution, cells have developed the ability to synthesize proteins. To manufacture proteins, cells follow a very systematic procedure that first transcribes DNA into mRNA and then translates the mRNA into chains of amino acids. The amino acid chain then folds into specific proteins. [11] These two processes are 1. DNA Transcription Protein synthesis initiates in the cell's nucleus when the gene encoding a protein is copied into RNA. Genes, in the form of DNA, are rooted in the cell's chromosomes. The process of transferring the gene's DNA into RNA is called transcription. Transcription helps to increase the amount of DNA by creating many copies of RNA that can act as the template for protein synthesis. The RNA copy of the gene is called the mRNA. After transcription, the mRNA is transported out of the cell's nucleus through nuclear pores to go to the site of translation, the rough endoplasmic reticulum. [4] 2. RNA Translation After the mRNA has been taken to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, it is fed into the ribosomal translation machineries. Ribosomes begin to read the mRNA sequence to convert the mRNA into protein. The mRNA sequence is matched three nucleotides at a time to a complementary set of three nucleotides in the anticodon region of the corresponding tRNA molecule.... As the essay declares proteins are widely used in cells to provide different functions such as providing structural support for cells or to act as enzymes to catalyze certain reactions. Since the beginning of evolution, cells have developed the ability to synthesize proteins. To manufacture proteins, cells follow a very systematic procedure that first transcribes DNA into mRNA and then translates the mRNA into chains of amino acids. The amino acid chain then folds into specific proteins. According to the report findings protein synthesis initiates in the cell's nucleus when the gene encoding a protein is copied into RNA. Genes, in the form of DNA, are rooted in the cell's chromosomes. The process of transferring the gene's DNA into RNA is called transcription. Transcription helps to increase the amount of DNA by creating many copies of RNA that can act as the template for protein synthesis. The RNA copy of the gene is called the mRNA. After transcription, the mRNA is transported out of the cell's nucleus through nuclear pores to go to the site of translation, the rough endoplasmic reticulum. After the mRNA has been taken to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, it is fed into the ribosomal translation machineries. Ribosomes begin to read the mRNA sequence to convert the mRNA into protein. The mRNA sequence is matched three nucleotides at a time to a complementary set of three nucleotides in the anticodon region of the corresponding tRNA molecule.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Find solution and essay(Easy work) Research Paper

Find solution and essay(Easy work) - Research Paper Example From the lists of tables provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 2.1 shows the Personal Income and its Disposition (, 1). Nominal personal income for the first quarter of 2011 is $12,980 billion while nominal disposable income is $11,711.6 billion after deducting nominal or current personal taxes of $1,268.4 billion. Nominal personal consumption or personal consumption expenditures comprise the largest part of the personal outlays as it amounted to $10, 683.8 billion. The nominal personal savings or the amount left from the disposable income after deduction of the personal outlays is $663.6 billion. Marginal propensity to save or MPS is the increase in savings per unit increase in income. It is computed by dividing the change in savings by the change in income. From the same table, Table 2.1, savings increased from $640 billion in the last quarter of 2010 to $663.6 billion in the first quarter in 2011. This means that savings increased by $23.6 billion. On the other hand, personal income also increased from $12,724 billion in the last quarter of 2010 to $12,980 billion in the first quarter of 2011. After subtracting the two amounts, there was a $256 billion increase in the personal income. From the formula, MPS = change in savings / change in income, MPS is equal to 0.09. Marginal propensity to consume or MPC is the increase in consumption spending per unit increase in income. It is computed by dividing the change in consumption expenditures by the change in income. And based from Table 2.1, personal consumption expenditure in the last quarter of 2010 was $10,513.6 and $10,683.8 in the first quarter of 2011. So, a $170.2 billion increase in personal consumption expenditure was computed. Following the formula, MPC = change in consumption/ change in income, MPC is equal to 0 .66. However, if MPS and MPC will be computed using income after deduction of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Security Management Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Security Management - Annotated Bibliography Example These different ways are meant to ensure the security of these facilities and minimize or entirely prevent disasters that may be brought about by them not being rigid. Some of these ways include: type of construction, access to the site, the height of the building and even location among other ways. According to Hayes, (2003) the traditional methods of loss prevention seem not to be working and especially in multi-million dollar companies hence putting the security of their assets in jeopardy. The senior management in these companies has decided on using technology as a contemporary measure to prevent further loss and protect the assets of the customers. This technology as a contemporary measure requires linkage with other managers in the business for it to be successful. According to the article, managers have always viewed security in terms of guards (physical security) as a form of security management. However, with cases of the guards and other physical security measures starting to be outdated and outmaneuvered by the information security system, the management has started adopting this by increasing the budget they allocate to the security dockets in their companies and this has gone way ahead to yield positive results as loss is prevented more without any injuries being inflicted on security

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Principles of Cultural Capitalism and the End of Ideology Essay Example for Free

The Principles of Cultural Capitalism and the End of Ideology Essay Cultural Capitalism is capitalism that assesses the advancements not in the quantity of innovations, but in the socio-cultural benefits that the civil society acquires from it, it does not only promote the culture but it also builds on the old and new myths of culture. It plays a role in the coming of a new kind of society which is called the â€Å"post-industrial society†. In Daniel Bell’s (1962) definition of this society which is post-industrial, the focus here will be services, not manufacturing and it must be a society led by information, and because it is the case what will be centralized are industries that bases on science. New technical elites will take its rise and also a new principle of formation of classes will begin. It is also discussed that this kind of society will be of domination and the replacement of the system of the industrialized society. Also in Bell’s view the â€Å"end of ideology† is understood as a point wherein the idea of history and ideology is or will be viewed as unimportant for the reason that capitalism and western democratic politics have already dominated. But the end of ideology should not mean that utopia will also end along with it. Because ideology greatly makes things very simple that it turns out that people will not anymore feel the need to encounter their own difficulties by their own efforts, they will simply consult to the ideologies to solve the confusions for them. These principles when spread by the destructive intensity of belief, ideas will also result to be apocalyptic. And on the other hand utopia tells where one wants to be, how to reach it, and gives justification on who should be paid. It is needed by men now, because men always have need of visualizing their capabilities and a way of combining their knowledge with enthusiasm (Bell, 1962). Reference: Bell, D. (1962). The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties: Free Press.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Studying New Age Tourism Potential In Kerala Tourism Essay

Studying New Age Tourism Potential In Kerala Tourism Essay Tourism seeks greener pastures for its growth and in this century every dimension of human culture has the potential to become a tourism product. Gauging the potential of variety, the products that are offered in new age tourism varied from alternative healing methodologies, avenues for aesthetic development, discourses by spiritual gurus and innovative tourism practices. This variety in tourism product resulted in the evolution of centres of attraction, which are almost three times more growth potential than the classic tourism market. Kerala is considered as the first State in India, which had initiated steps to exploit the emerging market of new age tourism and is now providing with wide and varied centres of attraction like aesthetic development, experiential and personalised self-development, and alternative approaches to health care. This study is of the view that there is a need for Certification of these New Centers of tourist attractions which will ensure quality of service provide and finally will boost tourism in Kerala. Introduction The history of tourism industry depicts a picture of exponential growth and increasing diversity. The number of activities and experiences that can be categorised as tourism has increased significantly and now every dimension of human culture has the potential to become a tourism product. It is rightly opined that tourism seeks for greener pastures to grow and expand. It uniquely celebrates differences in places and peoples to create novel experiences (Tejvir, 2004). Gauging the potential of variety, the products that are offered with new age tourism varied from alternative healing methodologies, avenues for aesthetic development, discourses by spiritual gurus and innovative tourism practices. This variety in tourism product resulted in the evolution of centres of attraction, which are almost three times more growth potential than the classic tourism market. Now tourist destinations are not seen as set of distinct natural, cultural, artistic and environmental resources but as an over all product, a complex and integrated package offered by a territory able to supply a holiday, which meets the varied needs of the tourist (Maria and Peter, 2006). The New Age faction has grown significantly since its emergence in the 1950s and 1960s (Dallen and Daniel, 2006). Originally, it was a counter-cultural movement, interacting with other counter-cultural movements of that time, such as the ecology, hippie, and commune movements. During the last decades, spiritual and esoteric methods have been popularized and commercialized by an expanding market of literature and workshops. This has made New Age a socially accepted phenomenon and it has thus lost much of its anti-modernist and culture-critical character. Objective of the study The main objective framed for this study is to analyse the available potential of tourism in Kerala vis-à  -vis to the New Age Tourists. The other objectives are as follows To identify the basic motivations of tourists visiting Kerala. To analyze the socio-demographic profile and the image of the destination from the tourist perspective. To examine the activities undertaken by tourists and the usage of usage of tourism intermediaries and suppliers. Study Area The new age destinations are facing a challenge to manage and organize their resources in order to supply a holiday experience that must be equal to or better than the alternative destinations experiences on the market (Maria and Peter, 2006). Hence Kerala can be considered as the first State in India, which had initiated steps to exploit the emerging market of new age tourism. As is rightly opined by Professor Peter Cochrane Travel has long been with us. Virtual reality is well upon us. Experience is already being revealed in tourism to the extent that it may now be the key objective of todays traveler (Khan, 1997). It is this urge of the present day traveler which made the tourism authorities in Kerala to developed wide and varied centers of attraction like aesthetic development (Kalamandalam art, drama and music); experiential and personalised self-development, (courses on meditation, personal relationships and self knowledge and finally, courses on alternative approaches to heal th care (Ayurveda massage for body rejuvenation). Moreover, it can also be opined that the primary sector comprising of agricultural allied operations is stagnant and tourism is considered one of the alternative strategy that can be adopted to regenerate the economy especially in the rural area (Tribe, 1995). During the last decade, one can witness the development of tourist resorts where packages are provided where all the above amenities are clubbed together. The study area was restricted to Kovalam, Varkala, Guruvayoor, Vallikavu, Kumarakom and Munnar. Out of this Kovalam and Varkal are beach resorts, Munnar, the famous hill resort and Gurvayoor and Vallikavu are religious centers. Methodology Both primary and secondary data was used for the study. Through the primary survey, we tried to analyse the demographic profile, visitor motivation, activities indulged at the centre and duration of stay. Statistical tools like correlation analysis were used to analyse the expenditure pattern and duration of stay of these visitors. Results and Discussions Driven by a buoyant economy and increase in the purchasing power of the middle class population along with the rising interest towards oriental culture and values, one can witness an increasing shift of tourism traffic towards India. From the Figure 1.1, it is clear that the tourist flow to India is showing an increasing trend. Only the moths April to June can be considered as slump period while peal flow is observed during the tourist season October to February. * = Provisional  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Source   :   Ministry of Tourism, GOI Likewise, only the off season period between April-May, one can observe a short fall in the tourist earnings. The efforts made by the Central government along with the sufficient support of various State Governments to make tourism a yearlong affair, can be clearly observed in the Figure 1.2 shown below. * = Provisional  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Source   :   Ministry of Tourism, GOI Though with vast potential and diversity in the products that can be offered by India, yet it ranks only twenty-second. Hence, India was not able to harness its multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication. The recent policy changes like liberalization in aviation sector, rationalization of tax rates in the hospitality sector, tourist friendly visa regime etc is imperative to boost the tourism sector in India. Tourism in Kerala Domestic tourist arrivals (excluding pilgrims) rose from 52.40 lakhs in 2001 to 59.46 lakhs in 2005. Thus in five years, annual growth rate for foreign and domestic tourist arrivals are respectively 13.27% and 2.69%. According to the study of World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) on tourism sector in the State, Travel and Tourism generates as much as 7.7% of GSP and 6.2% of total employment. Visitor exports (tourism receipts) are worked out as 14.3% of the total export of the State. Figure : 1.3. Earnings from Tourism Source : Economic Review, 2006. Figure 1.3 provides a clear insight into the earnings from Tourism between 2001 2005. It can be observed that the foreign exchange earnings during 2005 is Rs. 1552.31 Crores and the total earnings from the tourism sector is Rs. 7738 Crores. The Economic Review highlights that the Tourism sector employs around 10 Lakhs persons in the State. As per the estimates of World Tourism Organization (WTO), propelled by the tourism and business travel boom, India needs an additional 300,000 by the year 2020. When we analyzed the expansion plan of various tourist markets in India, it is observed that Kerala is considered as a potential tourist zone, yet the expansion plan should be further strengthened to accommodate the needs of the tourists. Figure 1.3 illustrates the new room supply expected to be included in the key tourist zones. Potential of Spiritual Tourism in Kerala It is the Greeks and the Romans who cultivated the quest of well being through Spiritual tourism. One can also observe that the followers of majority of the religions used to undertake spiritual journeys at least once in a year. It is rightly opined by Timothy Dallen that spiritual tourism as the oldest and now one of the fastest-growing segments in the travel industry. The new breed of spiritual travelers likes to enjoy spiritual enlightenment without giving up their comforts, which resulted in this being added as an important component of New Age Tourism (Greg, 2007). Various studies had pointed out that many thousands of tourists visit India for various types of spiritual interactions with diety or godman. Though there are reservations against comodifying religion and to put holy places into spot light for mass consumption and to make holy things unholy, yet one can observe that the lines between mass tourists and religious tourists are becoming increasingly blurred. Even spiritual tourism is seen by many government and tourism officials as a way to either diversifying or save struggling economies (Dallen and Daniel, 2006). There exist difference of opinion about whether spiritual tourism is related to escapism from the self to an entirely different environment that offers pure relaxation, or, an opportunity to renegotiate ones place in the world and relationships. In extreme cases, it might be about confrontation of the worlds darker side and human tragedy, a reminder of ones mortality and place in a universal cycle (Steiner and Reisinger, 2006). This kind of exploration arguably has philosophical and spiritual dimensions, which can make ones minor troubles, seem relatively insignificant. Katusuhiko Yazaki who is the Japanese mail-order multimillionaire opined that We cannot find true meaning in life by occupying spacious residences. At some point people will need to raise their desires to a higher level (Khan, 1997). His illusion is that we have material possessions but for fulfillment, we need something beyond them, which urged the present day traveler to undertake spiritual journeys of self-discover y. These spiritual journeys make the traveler feel that he is just a minute component in the massive super structure called Universe. The study observed that majority of the tourists selected for the study falls in the age group 35 45 and 45 55. It is surprising to note that in both the groups majority of them is from the female group rather than male. This can be attributed to male ego, which refrain them speaking aloud about their personal life or difficulties. The study also observed that there exists a positive correlation (+.73) between income and expenditure on spiritual journeys. Majority of the tourists are from the higher income group due to which there demand for quality in services is much higher than the others. The Gurus or Godmans are of the view that when the tourist (patient) feels confident and energetic without any negative side effects literally provides them the assurance that the treatment had achieved its ultimate objective. Potential of Health Tourism in Kerala From the Medieval Age one can trace the elements of health tourism like the scrupulous attention paid to well-being of Romans and Greeks (Melanie and Catherine, 2006) along with the development of seaside and spa tourism of the 18th and 19th century by the European elite which continues even now though at a much faster rate. The House of Lords opined that the proliferation of wellness centers, holistic retreats, spas, spiritual pilgrimages, and complementary and alternative therapies is unprecedented (House of Lords Report, 2000). Experts came forward with various theories to justify the sudden spurt in growth. Some of them are of the view that the anomie of the western capitalist societies, the breakdown of traditional religions and the fragmentation of the communities. Though the advancement made in the field of medical science had resulted in the development of curative care for major diseases, yet one can observe that the psychological and emotional problems of man are left untr eated. Depression is commonly cited as being one of the greatest disease burdens of the 21st century and suicide rates are rising, especially amongst young men (e.g., Mealanie Smith and Catherine Kelly 2005). This can be attributed to high pressure he should withstand in a performance related pay-package work environment. But the only viable solution that is left for the mankind is to indulge in Health Tourism. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, deals with both the preventive and curative aspects of health in a most comprehensive way. Besides contributing to maintenance of health, it also has a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat various illnesses. Though the art of Ayurveda had spread around in the 6th century BC to Tibet, China, Mongolia, Korea and Sri Lanka, yet one can witness in Kerala that this medical system is still being practised and perfected by the Kalari Gurukals who are considered as the master of the traditional martial art of Kerala Kalari. Vogue magazine once opined that Technology is destroying usà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Nature has a remedy for every illness, an answer for every problem (Khan, 1999). It is from this view that the strength and growth of Ayurveda lies. Kerala is the only state in India, which can boast of making concerted efforts to promote health tourism in a big way, which has resulted in a substantial increase of visitor arrivals into the state. Kerala and ayurveda have virtually become synonymous with each other. The study observed that many of the health resorts are located in beach resorts like Kovalam and Varkala. Yet one can also observe that the serene hill resorts of Kerala also attract health tourists in sizeable numbers. Like all other form of tourism, Health Tourism also attracts mainly the affluent sections of the society. It is observed that both man and woman of various age groups are showing considerable interest in ayurveda and body rejuvenation therapies. Kerala can also boast of having the best pool of ayurvedic physicians and masseurs who are effectively trained and added to the resource pool by the many number of ayurvedic hospitals. When we made a correlation analysis with that of the total expenditure incurred by the tourists, it was observed that the correlation value is 0.89. Though the study observed that many of the ayurvedic health resorts are available in developed countries yet majority of them feel that it only at the origin of the practices, they feel that they ha d received optimum service. The study observed that though there is negative opinion about the effectiveness of certain therapies of ayurveda yet the people are of the view that it has placebo effect. Potential of Culture Tourism in Kerala Cultural tourism has been identified as one of the most rapidly growing areas of global tourism demand. Cultural tourism is about people traveling for cultural motivations and is measured by determining whether the travelers attended activities and venues such as festivals, exhibitions, theatre performances or historic sites. Kerala can boast of a unique Dravidian culture and tradition. It is because of the uniqueness, Kerala can boast of a unique standard of living, which is very different from the rest of India. This unique model is popularly known as the Kerala Model of Development. Hence both domestic and foreign tourists want to have a first hand experience about the social and cultural wealth of Kerala. Along with various historical sites, Kerala also boast of unique centers of learning where can both witness the art forms of Kerala. Moved by the unique nature, many of the tourists got enrolled in these centers of learning like Kalamandalam. The study observed that though vario us tour packages had included short duration performance by the traditional artists, only the dedicated ones like to purse these art forms. The short duration performance also enhanced the sales prospects of art souvenirs of Kerala. From the table given below, one can observe that the highest consumer group of cultural tourism in Kerala is the foreign tourists. Table 1.1 Trend in Expenditure Pattern of Foreign Tourists Activity Foreign (in percentages) Domestic (in percentages) Shopping for Souvenirs 78 52 Local Cuisine 63 48 Historic Buildings 81 67 Other Findings The other findings of the study are as follows. Though both the foreign and domestic tourists are satisfied with their visits, yet majority of them opined that there is still scope for improvement. From the study, it is clear that the tourists irrespective of the area to which they belong, depends on internet for their information needs. The study also observed that spiritual and cultural tourism is most preferred by domestic tourists than international tourists. The period of stay is higher for the foreign tourists than the domestic. It ranges between two to four days for the foreign tourists while majority of the domestic had a shorter stay of less than three days. The size of the group comprising the domestic tourist is much higher than the foreign tourist. Hence it is clear that the emphasis for domestic tourist is quantity and for the foreign tourist it is quality. This also conveys that for the domestic tourist, time is an important criterion whereas for the foreign they dont give undue importance to time factor. Finally, it can be opined that that the foreign tourist is very selective about the type of accommodation whereas the domestic tourists are satisfied with the available accommodation at the area. Conclusion Suggestions It can be opined that just as (old) mass tourism is not necessarily unsustainable, in all circumstances, new or alternative forms of tourism are not inevitably panacea in all situations. Indeed neither form of tourism is sustainable unless an appropriate planning and management regime is in place (Moscardo, 1998). Much of the research till date focused on service quality in the hospitality sector, and in particular, measurement of customer perceptions of quality. There is little or no effort integrating quality into all aspects of managing tourism enterprise (Derek, 2003). One of the views that emerged from this research is that majority of tourists visit Kerala for relaxation and rejuvenation. It was observed that both domestic and foreign tourist on their arrival at the destination, a sense of anti-climax prevailed in their minds. This is due to the gap between what that is propagated and what is actually practiced. The study observed that Certification of these New Cen ters of tourist attractions should be incorporated which will ensure the quality of service provide and finally will boost the tourist traffic to Kerala. These New Centers should adopt Co-opetetion strategies whereby the new or minor centers should co-operate with one another to achieve a sustained flow of tourists to these centers (Edgell, 2006). It can be concluded that it is due to the availability of diversified products that ensures that tourism still thrives in Kerala economy. Finally this study is of the view that still the government lacks a holistic view towards tourism development in Kerala. The authorities consider competitiveness and attractiveness as different entities but it is rather supply and demand side of tourism. Only through such a holistic approach, policy makers will have a clear understanding about what the tourists are looking for and what the stakeholders are investing in. Though there is an increase in the employment for the local community due to the appe arance of tourism, yet this study is of the view that there one can witness conflicts between the host and service providers. Hence it is suggested that the onus for bridging the gap should be on the shoulders of the service providers and the government. They should try to make the centers of tourist attraction especially the villages a self-sufficient one. The growing needs of tourist sector like meat, egg, fish etc can be sourced from the village itself rather than depending on external markets which will ensure the trickle down effect and sustainability in the long run.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

China :: essays research papers

During its brief time under British rule, Hong Kong has witnessed war, the rise and fall of empires, and has played a role in intrigues, big deals and diplomacy of global proportions. After 156 years of British rule, Hong Kong is again ruled by China. The change took place at midnight on June 30, 1997. Hong Kong is made up of a peninsula on the mainland of China and more than 230 islands. The main island is called Hong Kong Island and lies south of the peninsula. Hong Kong Island became a British colony when it was ceded from China in 1842 under the Treaty of Nanking. The British used the ports on Hong Kong to export tea, silk, and porcelain to England. The Chinese Emperor did not like the British. He called them guailo, which means foreign devil, and attempted to keep the British separate from the Chinese. During this period, China accepted only silver bullion as payment for goods. At the start of the 19th century, the British realized that they could purchase silks and teas in exchange for opium. China outlawed the drug, but many people were already addicted, which caused the economy of China to suffer. The Opium Wars began when China publicly destroyed a British ship that carried chests of opium. In January 1841, the British navy claimed Hong Kong Island. The Opium Wars finally ended in 1898, when Britain executed a 99-year lease of the New Territories. Kowloon Peninsula was acquired by the convention of Peking (now called Beijing) in 1860. China has guaranteed to permit the existing capitalist economy and lifestyle to exist for 50 years. Hong Kong will retain a high degree of autonomy except for defense and foreign affairs. Regaining control of Hong Kong serves two purposes. First, it will erase what the Chinese have viewed as a period of disgrace. The Chinese have always considered the Treaty of Nanking, which passed control of Hong Kong over to Britain as unfair. Second, they felt it would greatly benefit China's economy. A communist government rules China. The British, however, have ruled Hong Kong as a democracy. Many people are wondering how the differences between these two forms of government will affect the people and economy of Hong Kong. Even though Hong Kong is a part of China, it is a special region. For a time, at least, the people of Hong Kong have rights that people throughout the rest of China do not have.

The Cycle of Poverty :: US poverty essay, social issues

America is one of the wealthiest nations on earth with having a high inequality than other industrialized country. Inequality exists in income, wealth, power and education. Persons who are legally and socially poor in the United states tend to stay in a cycle through life, not always by choice but because they are given fewer opportunities, education and tools to achieve success. Poverty class has a much larger income gap than the upper class, the American Dream is lessens through opportunity and is shown through statistics. Inequality exist and is high in America because the amount of income and wealth that is distributed through power. In America the income distribution is very inequality and the value of a person wealth is based on their income with their debts subtracted. â€Å"As of 2007, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 34.6% of all privately held wealth, and the 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 50.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 85%, leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers)† (Domhoff, 2011). In contrary the poor do not get ahead and the rich get more. Americans are judged and placed in class categories through their home ownership which translates to wealth. Americans social class is often associated with their assets and wealth. â€Å"People seek to own property, to have high incomes, to have interesting and safe jobs, to enjoy the finest in travel and leisure, and to live long and healthy lives† (Domhoff, 2011). Power indicates how these â€Å"values† are not distributed equally in American society. Huge gains for the rich include cuts in capital gains and dividends and when tax rates decrease for the tiny percent of Americans income is redistributed. Taxes directly affect the wealth and income of Americans every year. â€Å"For most Americans, the word ‘poverty’ suggests destitution: an inability to provide a family with nutritious food, clothing, and reasonable shelter† (Rector, 2007). Poverty can be socially defined through severe deprivation of education, food, safe water, sanitation, and health care regardless of one’s income. The U.S. Department of Health and human Services periodically updates poverty guidelines and depending on what state you live in the guidelines range.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

The battle for customers has brought personal computer prices temptingly low. Which kind of computer is better for the business user to buy--an Apple or a PC that runs Microsoft Windows software? Used to be simple to pick a personal computer for home use but if people wanted a simple software computer that would be Mac. If you needed lots of cheap computing power for complicated tasks, or didn't care so much about user-friendliness, you bought an IBM-style PC. Since PC have a more compatible system hardware makes it more versatile but vulnerable to malware and viruses but Mac and PC users are safer after installing up-to-date antivirus software. Since PC is a better personal computer to run small businesses because of the power to managed the information and storing it . Mac and PC are really similar to each other, but the price differs because of the named of the brand but PC are not bound by one company. it has alternative companies creating the hardware that’s why PC's are cheap. Research conducted by David Kirkpatrick indicates that Pc has 47% of machines and still growing, but Mac's has only 11% of computer, we could argue which computer has better quality but Mac could reduce the value of their computers to acquire the same quality of a PC. PC Different OEMs and even custom build PCs might not have the suitable drivers released for every components in each OS version, incompatibles, lagging may occur. Maybe cannot reach expected performance.Since Apple manufactures all updates, hardware and software Mac's run smoothly and stable performance. Custom build PC's are the ones that create most of the problems in home computers, but manufactures that sell PC's to customers don’t bring any kind of problems with their compat... ...g the Mac fans. It also leaves Apple remarkably vulnerable when innovations go wrong - the ill-fated Cube placed the company in deep trouble, taking them out of the market and wasting a lot of money on a system that’s doesn’t work so well. this also applies for games since Mac doesn’t support too many games making them drop their market really low when it comes to gaming. Personal Computers are design for home and business use, Pc are simple, affordable and upgradable making them really versatile to any used on a home. Computers are a part of our daily life making Mac are useless for personal computing. PC PRO a specialize website that reviews the Pros and Cons about computers. Many reviews from this website say that Mac is only great for media purposes. Also PC is the most familiar computer in the world making the customers feel comfortable with their purchase.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Negotiable Instrument

Plymouth Horizon automobile, John Lowbrows gave Sally a handwritten note which stated the following: â€Å"l promise to pay $500 In two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013. The following language was included on the back of the writing: The 1990 Plymouth Horizon which Is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. The maker agrees not to sell or otherwise dispose of the collateral.Please see the corresponding security agreement for rights and obligations pertinent thereto. Is this a negotiable Instrument? RULE: 3-106 permits the Instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. In exchange for Sally Johnny's 1990 Plymouth Horizon automobile, John $500 in two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013.The following is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. A negotiable instrument? S 3-106 permits the instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. The instruments is negotiable because It reference the content of the contract regarding rights to repayment and acceleration. Negotiable Instrument Plymouth Horizon automobile, John Lowbrows gave Sally a handwritten note which stated the following: â€Å"l promise to pay $500 In two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013. The following language was included on the back of the writing: The 1990 Plymouth Horizon which Is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. The maker agrees not to sell or otherwise dispose of the collateral.Please see the corresponding security agreement for rights and obligations pertinent thereto. Is this a negotiable Instrument? RULE: 3-106 permits the Instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. In exchange for Sally Johnny's 1990 Plymouth Horizon automobile, John $500 in two equal installments on July 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013.The following is the subject of this transaction serves as collateral to secure repayment of this note. A negotiable instrument? S 3-106 permits the instrument to mention the details of the underlying contract without destroying negotiability as long as payment of the note is not made â€Å"subject to† the performance of that contract. The instruments is negotiable because It reference the content of the contract regarding rights to repayment and acceleration.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Shooting an Elephant Essay

A price is payed to save oneself from humiliation, but, being pressured into doing something that one doesn’t want to do, makes people feel lost and pushed into a big problem. In the story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† by George Orwell, he himself goes through a struggle in being the one to shoot an Elephant. In the beginning he knew what he had to avoid of being laughed at from the Burmese people that surrounded him, since he is an imperial policeman. Throughout the story, Orwell uses rhetorical tools such as: metaphors, connotation, and irony to give his readers a better perspective in what’s going on in the story. Seeing different forms of writing can help readers see the relationship between these tools and what Orwell is saying about imperialism. First of all, George Orwell uses the rhetorical tool metaphor in story. In the story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† Orwell wrote that â€Å"They were watching me as they would watch a conjurer to perform a trick. † This metaphor meant that the Burmese who was following behind were waiting for Orwell to shoot the elephant. If Orwell shot the elephant then it would be like he was putting on a show since they were watching him. Another metaphor that he uses in the story is when he wrote that he was â€Å"seemingly the leading actor of the piece; but in reality I was only an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind. † This metaphor meant that Orwell was the center of attention because he was being followed by two thousand Burmese people waiting for him to kill the elephant, and he was being controlled by the Burmese when he said he was an â€Å"absurd puppet. † Another metaphor he wrote, â€Å"He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it†¦ meaning that Orwell pretended that he was strong and powerful, but he really didn’t want to shoot the elephant, he was just being pressured into doing it because if he didn’t then he would pay the price of being humiliated by the Burmese. Another rhetorical tool that George Orwell uses in the story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† is connotation. In the story he said that â€Å"One day something happened which in a roundabout way was enlightening. † This sentence has a positive connotation because of the word â€Å"enlightening† meaning that Orwell speaking the truth about how he feels about the true nature of imperialism is a good thing. Orwell also wrote that â€Å"I marched down the hill, looking and feeling a fool, with the rifle over my shoulder and an ever-growing army of people jostling at my heels† This has a negative connotation because. Lastly, Orwell uses the rhetorical tool, irony in his story. In the story, Orwell wrote that â€Å"The thought in my mind was that if anything went wrong those two thousands Burmans would see me pursued, caught, trampled on and reduced to a grinning corpse like that Indian up the hill. And that happened it was quite probable that some of them would laugh. That would never do. † The irony that was being employed is that Orwell was more worried about being laughed at then being killed by the elephant. Therefore, Orwell’s writing was convincing because he uses different types of rhetorical tools to prove his point that imperialism is the worst. And Orwell prove this when this little incident happened about the elephant and how he gave him a better glimpse than he had had before about the real of nature of imperialism.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Love Kills Slowly

Amanda Miragliuolo Prof. T Woodard 1101/11:00-11:50 11-15-10 Research paper Love kills slowly Love is certainly a life learning experience. Whether if it’s good or bad, you still learn what to do in that situation if it arises again. Usually people tend to think with their hearts and not their minds when it comes to love, I call it the love spell. When people fall in love their lives tend to get so much easier because they have someone to depend on and someone to talk to. However, there are unhealthy relationships as well that can make someone’s life miserable and only bring them down.Some of the most popular reasons why relationships fail are because of jealousy. If you cant trust your partner then there is no relationship. Another reason is due to lack of communication, which is much needed in a healthy loving relationship. Trust is one of the main reason why love fails. If you truly love somebody then you will put them first, no matter what and never doubt them. Bein g in love takes a lot of work and time, but in the end its worth every second. Jealousy is a big downfall in relationships. It can easily change how you feel about a person.Being jealous is basically assuming the worst about your partner and the situations that they are in. Sometimes jealousy is caused by your own actions. If you are unfaithful to your partner you are most likely going to question and be suspicious about your partners every move. Then of course that will lead to fighting and lying. These are things that you do not want to experience in a relationship, they will only stress you out and get you upset. I recently went through a life changing relationship and I came to find out that love really does open your eyes and make you a wiser person.My relationship with Patrick was a roller coaster, it will most definitely be an experience that I will never forget. Even though it was a very unhealthy relationship I am glad that It happened because it made me into the person I a m today. Jealousy was a big factor in our relationship. Patrick would question every single thing that I did and he would usually not let me do anything without him. To me, that’s not what love is. As time went on jealousy took over him and I finally opened my eyes and realized why. He was cheating on me with my best friend.The jealousy that he had on me was because of his own actions with being unfaithful to me. Because he was doing this he thought it would be just as easy for me to do it too. This situation really got to me because I not only lost my boyfriend but I lost my best friend as well. Relationships shouldn’t be like this. It should be plain and simple, if you love somebody then be with them, and only them. Or just don’t be with them at all. Cheating is very common in relationships and that is when the trust disappears. Emotions coming from jealousy, usually escalate into trust issues.Trust is the most important thing in a relationship, If you donâ₠¬â„¢t have that then the relationship will fail. You cant say that you truly love somebody if you don’t trust them. A lot of hearts are broken because of lies and cheating. Healthy relationships have total and complete trust with one another and never doubt each others honesty. Unfortunately for me, its going to take a miracle for me to trust another guy with my heart again. However, the situation with Patrick only made me a stronger person. Experiencing the crying, screaming, and the violent heart pounding situations really changed me.Now I know when to get out of my possible future relationships when and if that person hits something if they are mad, or if I actually get scared of them like I felt with Patrick. I knew I needed to leave him when furniture went flying across the room, but I was thinking with my heart and not my head. The irony in this is that my best friend Gina knew all about this and held me while I cried on her shoulder and she is the one who he cheated on me with. Trust isn’t just in love relationships, its in friendships as well.As much as I miss being with my best friend everyday, I have learned and accepted that our friendship will never be the way it used to be. Love grows where trust is laid and it dies when it is betrayed. Communicating with your loved one should be nothing but a pleasure for you. Not in some cases. There are people in this world that are in relationships just for one reason, for sex. To me that’s called taking advantage of someone and not cherishing what sex is really supposed to mean between two people. Lack of communicating can also end a relationship quite fast as well.If you barely ever see or talk to your partner then what is the point in being with them? People should enjoy their relationships and they should love spending time with their partner. A relationship takes two people to work and the effort has to come equally from both sides. People need to appreciate who their with because the ir partner is with them to love and care them. Romantic relationships can be wonderful with the right person. A relationship with the wrong individual however can lead to years of heartache, emotional damage, and even physical damage.An unhealthy relationship can damage the way we feel about love and romance for the future. They can turn what is supposed to be a loving, supporting, and understanding relationship into a hating, unfaithful, and lying one. We all know to avoid people that appear insane or abusive and not select them as a dating partner. However, some individuals are better at hiding their personality and behavior abnormalities, like Patrick. Falling in love is going to take you on a wild roller coaster. With good or bad experiences, you will soon learn how to protect your heart.Usually people tend to think with their hearts and not their minds when it comes to love, I call it the love spell. Unhealthy relationships can make someone’s life miserable and only brin g them down. Some of the most popular reasons why relationships fail are because of jealousy. Another reason is due to lack of communication, which is much needed in a healthy loving relationship. Trust is one of the main reasons why love fails. If you truly love somebody then you will never doubt them. Being in love is the greatest feeling in the world, you just have to be careful who you give your heart to.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fish Bone Chart Essay

ABSTRACT The experiment aims to analyze the causes of each problem (effect) identified in raw eggs and mayonnaise products during manufacturing and processing through the use of fish-bone diagrams or Ishikawa diagrams (cause and effect diagrams).Additionally, dispersion analysis and process classification type fish-bone diagrams were used. The result of the experiment showed that process classification diagram is more effective in pinpointing specific causes of error/ problems thus help more in formulation of corrective actions to be taken. However, dispersion analysis concentrates more in analyzing the general root causes of the errors/ problems, thus fails to identify minor causes of the problems. I. INTRODUCTION A fish-bone diagram, also known as Ishikawa diagram or a cause-and-effect diagram, is an organized tool that helps manufacturers in identifying the possible causes of quality problems (Forman, 2001). This visual tool is also used for organizing possible causes of defect in different categories. It has angled lines, or the ‘bones’, which represents a possible cause of error. Each bone can have ‘sub-bones’ which contains further details about a possible cause of error. The ‘bones’ are joined together in a singular straight line that describes the main defect. This outline gives a shape similar to the bones of a fish, hence the name fishbone chart as seen in Figure 1. Figure 1. Fishbone Diagram (Cinergix Ltd, undated) There are three main types of fishbone diagrams namely, the dispersion analysis type, product process classification type, and the cause enumeration type. The dispersion analysis type organizes and relates the factors that result in the difference among the product and other process  outcomes. The production process classification type is made by making the steps in the production process be the major ribs of the fishbone diagram. It focuses on each step of the process to determine all possible causes of the error. In the cause enumeration type, all possible causes that results to the defect is determined and then organized to show the relationships to the aspect of product of process quality that is being examined (Florac, 1999). II. METHODOLOGY Prior to the exercise, the group identified and listed possible defects in both eggs and mayonnaise. One possible defect was then chosen for each the raw material (eggs) and the finished product (mayonnaise). The possible defects chosen were cracked eggshells and unstable emulsion for the raw material and finished product, respectively. The group then constructed two types of fishbone diagrams (Dispersion Analysis and Process Classification) for each of the chosen possible defects by identifying and writing its main causes and further causes in the diagram. The diagrams were then analyzed by the group to determine the root cause of the defects and to identify and suggest corrective actions to eliminate it. The effectiveness and efficiency of the corrective actions were also considered and analyzed. The group then presented the diagrams to the class. III. SUMMARY OF RESULTS (See Appendix) IV. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Dispersion analysis and process classification type of fishbone diagrams are used in the analyzation of the causes of the problems identified. Dispersion analysis cause and effect diagrams are structured in such a way that the factors contributing to the problem under study are classified into the â€Å"standard six† which are manpower, methods, materials, measurement, operators, and environments. Process classification diagrams on the other hand are structured in such a way that the factors are classified according to steps involved in the process (Brassard and Ritter, 1994). In the case of mayonnaise, some of the steps are sifting, mixing and filling. In terms of emphasis, dispersion analysis CE diagrams are advantageous in such a way that it helps organize and relate the factors that lead up to the problem. However its drawback is that it may fail to identify minor causes that may  be overlooked (Omachonu & Ross, 2005). On the other hand, the advantage of process classification CE diagrams is that is easier to create because it follows the process in a product. However, redundancy may occur. Process classification is often used when the problem encountered cannot be isolated into a single department (Basu, 2011). An example of which is faulty factory workers which may be a reoccurring problem in all steps. This makes it hard to pin point what corrective action should be performed (Omachonu & Ross, 2005). Based on the exercise, it was observed that the use of process classification CE diagrams are more effective in being able to identify the specific causes of errors within a process however; dispersion analysis CE diagrams were able to pinpoint general root causes of the problem by narrowing down the sources of errors into the â€Å"standard six†. General corrective actions can be generated using dispersion analysis CE diagrams but process specific corrective actions can be generated from process classification CE diagrams V. REFERENCES Basu, R. (2011). Fit sigma: A lean approac to building stustaiable quality beyond six sigma. (1st ed., p. 71). UK: John WIley and Sons Ltd. Brassard, M. and D. Ritter. (1994) The Memory Jogger II: A Pocket Guide of Tools for Continuous Improvement & Effective Planning ,Methuen, MA: Goal/QPC. Accessed via: Cinergix Ltd. (n.d.). Graphic Organizer Templates. Retrieved January 3, 2012, from Creately: Florac, W. C. (1999). Measuring the Software Process: Statistical Process Control for Software Process Improvement. Indianopolis: Addison-Wesley Professional. Forman, E. S. (2001). Decision by Objectives: How to Convince Others That You Are Right. Washington: World Scientific. Omachonu, V. K., & Ross , J. E. (2005). Principles of totaly quality. (3rd ed., p. 265). New York: CRC PRess.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Language development High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Language development High School - Essay Example This website takes into consideration the milestones that a child is supposed to by covering while moving forward year by year. The website gives a very detailed account of these step-by-step processes of the language development milestones in a child's growth. Moreover, this website addresses the parents of a child to pay attention to the language development processes of a child so that any discrepancy can be noted and compensated because according to this webpage, "Speech and language are tools that humans use to communicate or share thoughts, ideas, and emotions". The website is highly interactive as it elaborates on concerned points in question-answer format and provokes the reader to go through the simply put linguistic details about langauge development and its scope. Speech-language-therapy is a very technical website with regard to the issues of language development. The head-organizer of this website, Caroline Bowden (PhD, speech language pathologist) gives a detailed research account in connection with language development processes. The Dr. has listed a number of research-based articles on a number of issues with relation to early language development. ... Learner.Org It is a very sophisticated website basically focusing on human psychology the understanding of the complex psychological processes. However, this very website also examines in acute scientific detail the language development patterns in human being. It links the early language development of a child to the very complex psychological development and mental growth in humans. "Language is perhaps the most complex cognitive product we have"; as such one of the focuses of this research-based website is to study the organization of early language learning patterns in children so that organization of knowledge can be understood and transferred to adult learners. This appears to be the focal point of this website. Sldc.Net Speech and Language Development Center is another very useful website with regard to early language development and disorder in the speech patterns of children. Founded in the early 1955, the website is dedicated to the cause of developing better grounds for effective language learning in children. The major point of focus of this website is "on the abilities of the individual -- rather than the disabilities -- to provide all students the opportunity to succeed". Starting with the enrollment of only three young children, the organization has grown into a huge network of language facilitator. It now serves up to 300 students in the area of language development. As such the website provides a complete background about the progress of the organization.]

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Stereotypes, Cyborg & Moral Panics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Stereotypes, Cyborg & Moral Panics - Essay Example Categorically, it is a first-person shooter video game released in different formats such as XBox, Wii and PC. Its theme is quite similar to another war simulation game known as Medal of Honor. However, Medal of Honor ( MOH) is played only from the perspective of an American soldier. The first Call of Duty gives the player two other perspectives: Soviet and British since the computer provides allies from these countries. In short, the game simulates the real allied forces during World War 2. According to Metacritic ( 2003), Call of Duty had a rating of 91 which is quite a feat since the 44 critic reviews were ravishing. Metacritic is website that publishes game reviews so that the gaming public would not waste their money and time on badly scripted games. Critic reviewers of video games are often harsh since the industry is filled with frustrating games. Luckily, aside from getting superb reviews from game sites, Call of Duty garnered awards such as â€Å"Game of the Year Award 2004 ( from the Academy of Interactive Sciences) as well as Computer Game of the Year . Because of its popularity, various spin-off of the game such as Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3 and the recent Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare has evolved. The most modern version, Call of Duty 4 : World at War 2 was released for different consoles such as Xbox360, PlayStation 3 and Wii; moreover, it also had a PC version for Windows and Mac OS X. However the most controversial version was that of Call of Duty : Modern Warfare ( CODMW) which was released last April 2007. According to, COD MW sold 7 million copies, however , that was as far as January 2008. News report of USA Today ( 2009 ) claims that the game has sold 11 million copies. Aside from gaining sales and top video ratings, the game also earned a lot of controversy. For one, the game gives the player an option to play good guy by defending the capital. Conversely, the player can

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Science and Religion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Science and Religion - Research Paper Example What are, for instance, the fundamental characteristics of science and how do those characteristics differ from those of religion? These kinds of central questions, dealing with both metaphysics and epistemology, are incredibly relevant to modern society, which is increasingly realizing the importance of science’s contributions to quality of life. Nevertheless, while progress in scientific discoveries is being made, religion remains in the background, still likewise central to people’s lives. The questions of science’s relationship to religion have, for all intents and purposes, existed since the classical ages when the first scientific methods were being developed. With this background in mind, it is crucial to remember that these sorts of questions have inspired lively debate for centuries, with the weight of many strong arguments behind them. The purpose of this paper is to draw the landscape of these arguments, their theoretical force, and how to resolve them . The argument is whether science is in fundamental conflict with religion, or whether there is a degree of concordance between the two realms of human knowledge. Those who believe that religion is fundamentally different think that the scientific method is the defining feature of a scientific state of knowledge, which is a feature that is not shared by religion (Dawkins, 2003). Religion, which largely focuses on the value of knowledge derived from revelation and authority, does not take trial-and-error learning as the true method of knowledge. For those who believe there is concordance between the two, the argument relies primarily on the notion that divine creation that underwrites the empirical character of modern Western science and its greatest minds in history (Ratzsch, 2009). The best-defended position in this debate is that there is no conflict between religion and science, but that there is no agreement between them either. Basing a concordance between religion and science on the observation that many of the earliest heroes of science were Christian (including Galileo, Boyle, and Kepler) is fallacious. Many of these early scientific heroes often experienced deep philosophical and political conflicts between their religious beliefs and their scientific theories. For instance, the well-known case of Galileo’s trouble with the religious authority over his scientific findings is a commonly given example of a scientific figure being persecuted because of that essential conflict. Likewise, one could also argue that the religious authority that persecuted Galileo based on his scientific findings were not acting on behalf of a genuine religious belief. The Church, which had established its own scientific conclusions through centuries, took measures to enforce those scientific conclusions through coercive force. The thought there is that a religious authority can adopt science and enforce that science in the name of God, which separates it from a religi ous belief (Ratzsch, 2009). The reason that this position is best defended is because it is difficult (a) to define what exactly constitutes science and religion, and (b) to define what exactly constitutes conflict and agreement. An example of the difficulty with (a) is Behe (1996)’s arguments for the theory of intelligent design based on the concept of â€Å"irreducible complexity.† Intelligent design, which is based on a theological theory of the origin of species, is taken to be the antithesis of evolutionary theory in biology. However, the arguments are written in such a way that they are presented as scientific evidence, even though they are based on theological premises. This seeming mixture of science and relig

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hells Angels and Their Connection to Organized Crime Term Paper

Hells Angels and Their Connection to Organized Crime - Term Paper Example According to the term paper "Hell Angels and their connection to Organized Crime" findings the longtime organization, Hells Angels have contributed to legendary stories that spread about their power and popularity. Because of these stories and the publicity smacks, many people started wondering if they were mere coincidences. Hells Angels have still continued to persuade the public that they are not anything more than a dedicated group who has the deep love for motorcycles and long road trips. But it seems like the international law enforcement thinks otherwise and this is why there have been immense crime reports about the Hells Angels and their members. These reports have increased ever since 1969 and increasingly they are seen on media due to the attempt they made to assassin Mick Jagger after he pointed the finger at them at the bust of stabbing death of a member of the audience at a Rolling Stones concert, yet, all this happens after the 60th anniversary of the Hells Angels. Alt hough most of the historians are confident about the fact that the organization started in March 1948 in California, there are still some groups of the organization where members still debate about when and who started Hells Angels. It was started in California as motorcycles and racing cars were popular in those areas. The name came from the Flying Tigers in WWII and was subtitled to be â€Å"Hell’s Angels† on votes by the 303rd Bombardment Group. Arvid Olsen had officially given the name Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.... Because of these stories and the publicity smacks, many people started wondering if they were merely coincidences. Hells Angels have still continued to persuade the public that they are not anything more than a dedicated group who has deep love for motorcycles and long road trips. But it seems like the international law enforcement thinks otherwise and this is why there have been immense crime reports about the Hells Angels and their members. These reports have increased ever since 1969 and increasingly they are seen on media due to the attempt they made to assassin Mick Jagger after he pointed the finger at them at the bust of stabbing death of a member of the audience at a Rolling Stones concert, yet, all this happens after the 60th anniversary of the Hells Angels. Although, most of the historians are confident about the fact that the organization started in March, 1948 in California, there are still some groups of the organization where members still debate about when and who star ted Hells Angels. It was started in California as motorcycles and racing cars were popular in those areas. The name came from the Flying Tigers in WWII and was subtitled to be â€Å"Hell’s Angels† on votes by the 303rd Bombardment Group. Arvid Olsen had officially given the name Hells Angels Motorcycle Club when they started operating in motorcycles as it was becoming the most popular pastime in America and elsewhere. When the organization had become a common name taken in the media for many of the reports that were made about them, one of the news also held that some of the trouble pilots in the WWII had contributed in starting and Hells Angels and joined it. Hells Angels disregarded this notion and pointed out that other than